All Hands on Deck for Field Day! |
ARRL Field Day 2019 June 22-23 |

All Hands on Deck for Field Day! The Cherryland Amateur Radio Club is planning another awesome Field Day for 2019! It takes a lot of ham-power to make this a successful event! This means we need you to come out and give us a hand setting up, taking down and operating at Field Day! This year we are expecting to have: – Dedicated 20M Phone station – Dedicated 40M Phone station – VHF/Solar station – 2 (yes two!) CW stations, multiple bands each. – FT8 / Digital station – GOTA (Get On The Air) station for people new to the hobby to try operating and make contacts! To make all of this happen, we’ve got some work to do! Here’s the rough schedule: Tuesday, June 18th In lieu of Project Night we will meet at Don Parker’s farm, 4786 E Hoxie Rd, Cedar MI. We will pick up the club’s trailer with generators, necessary antennas, kits, feedline, tower sections, and other necessities. We will deliver these to the Field Day site at 10477 E Fort Rd, Suttons Bay, MI 49682. (no set up is allowed until 2pm Friday. Staging only) Friday, June 21st at 2:00 PM. Major antenna and tower erection activities. This is when we start the heavy lifting for setting up the Field Day site. We really need your assistance! Saturday morning, June 22nd. Finish setting up Field Day, install radios and get all the equipment operational. Saturday afternoon, June 22nd – 2pm. Field Day begins with all stations operating. Come on out and operate or help log contacts. Everyone gets a chance to get on the air! We have a special “Get On The Air” station and coach for all our new hams. Sunday, June 23rd. Operations continue until 2:00 PM when Field Day officially ends. Then the task of taking down the antennas and packing up the equipment begins. All hands on deck for taking down equipment and cleaning up the site. Be sure to sign-up for the meals! ALL MEALS ARE FREE. HERE IS THE MENU: Friday night – Pizza! Saturday morning – Muffins, Fruit, Juice, Cereal and Milk, Coffee. Saturday lunch – cold cuts, salad, chips, pop. Saturday dinner – Strip Steaks! Compliments of the BARF group who are coming over! Sunday morning – Muffins, Fruit, Juice, Cereal and Milk, Coffee. Sunday lunch – cold cuts, salad, chips, pop. Plus all the leftovers! We’ll have plastic utensils and paper plates for all meals. Beer, pop, and water supplied. Bring your own wine for Saturday evening! Be sure to sign-up for the meals! We hope you will join in the fun and come out to the Field Day site! Visit for full directions to the site! |