CARC Board Meeting Minutes


CARC Board Meeting Minutes                                                                                                 2016/04/05

Present: KC8RLU, KJ4KFJ, K8WPE, K8SGZ, W8SGR, N8WK, AA8SN, K8RCT, W8TVT, N8EX, KC8ZRT,?,?, W8VPC, Jennifer

  1. Minutes from last month – Approved.
  2. Treasurers Report – Surpassed $2500 matching; $3600 collected and some left over.  GTACS $550.
  3. Repeater report – Talked about, but no action yet. N8CN not present for report.
    1. Backup power
    2. Polyphasers
  4. Committee reports – Ward volunteered for FD Committee; needing some additional equipment for a loop dipole set up for CW station.                
    1. Field Day
    2. Tower
  5. Bylaw change – maybe a “Policy” would work better – Move by N8WK to adopt new rules as a board policy; 2nded by W8SGR; Approved by majority.    
  6. Sale of surplus cable – last chance to but then scrap! – Move to get it scrapped, 2nded by W8VPC.  Approved.
  7. Clean up the farm – old roached out pop-up trailers – 1 to be junked, 2nd trailer doesn’t belong to club. 
  8. MiQP – how about an award for top score! –
  9. Proposed goals for 2016:
    1. Offer a general class – scheduled; Glen’s on Weds, starting April 13th for 8 weeks.  Will need to order new copy of study book to do course.  W8TVT notified various entities in TVC area for the class. 
    2. Clean up the clubroom! – in progress –
    3. Improve the SATERN station set-up – in process – Focusing on tower; repair now or replace or revamp installation.  Plans to rent a cherry picker to help with evaluation, repair, etc.  Suggested by KJ4KFJ to check mount at fascia first for integrity, then assess rest of tower.  Needs additional equipment for “proper” installation. 
    4. Install new VHF antenna at Salvation Army – in process – Look at future purchase of new fiberglass antenna, instead of current one.  Motion by KJ4KFJ to sell VHF antenna for new more appropriate one.  2nded by N8WK. Approved by majority. (Minimum bid of $100)
    5. Participate in one additional public service event – Nothing yet…
    6. National Parks on the Air event – in process –
    7. Two fox hunts this summer – nothing yet
    8. Bell ringing for Salvation Army –  not yet scheduled
  10. Club programs:
    1. April – Skywarn training @ EOC
    2. May – (Jim Marco?) (Greg K8GL? re: contesting & logging)
    3. June – Field day
  11. Net control stations for Mesh Net – KC8RLU 4-18-2016 only
  12. Skywarn – Tuesday 4-26-2016 @ 2600 Lafranier Rd.
  13. Ed Risk (N8FT) SK – Send out a condolence card on behalf of CARC. 
  14. Adjourn – Motioned & 2nded.

Submitted by club Secretary Joe KC8RLU 4-2016.





Cherryland Amateur Radio Club – Board meeting minuets – September 3rd 2013

Board members present:
Other members present:

Meeting called to order at DATA MISSING

Motion to adjourn the meeting @


Cherryland Amateur Radio Club – Board meeting minuets – August 6th 2013

Board members present: AA8SN W8SGR N8OUZ KJ4KFJ W8VPC KD8REH K8RCT
Other members present: W8TVT

Meeting called to order at 19:12

• Emergency exercises upcoming:
– Aug 14th (airport – crash simulation), might be a full-blown, all-out exercise. Potentially staffing three locations – Munson, EOC, and another. May be “table top” however, which means reduced staffing requirements. Ernie and Mike will gain more information on the needs, if any.
– SATERN is having an emergency training in Grand Rapids on Aug 24th at Dickenson Park. This is a general invitation to get SATERN trained. Ernie to verify that membership is not a requirement. 9am at 1632 Linden Ave.
– 21st and 22nd (Mike KD8REH attending, has agenda), may be limited in attendance size, and is an intense training.
– Mike Vandermey KD8REH is the new Grand Traverse County district EC.

• Aug 17th-18th is the International Lighthouse Weekend. Conflicts with the foxhunt and picnic on the 18th. Hope will communicate that there’s not a lot of interest in working the lighthouse weekend with the fox hunt standing scheduled.
• Foxhunt Aug 18th at 4pm. Rendezvous at SA at 4pm. N8OUZ (fox) will hide and after the hunt, Darrow Park is the gathering point for the picnic, with family invites.
• Topic for September meeting. Call For Proposals is open. Go Box meeting, hands-on.
• Jamboree On The Air – need to go visit Camp Greilick and get things in order prior to JOTA which is on Saturday and Sunday, Oct 19th-20th. Considering September 10 at 6pm, meet at Camp Greilick Radio Building. Oct 26 is “Camp Greilick Weekend,” may be a camporee. Clarification will be sought.
• Christmas Dinner @ the Elks – planning. December.
• Discussion about MESH net, Mondays at 8pm. Suggestion from W8TVT to merge with the 9PM TBARG net. Much discussion but no changes suggested.

Motion to adjourn the meeting @ 20:22




• Hope, AA8SN- The field day reports and paper logs have been submitted to the ARRL.

• Hope AA8SN- There was talk about the club picnic, we will us the park grills and everyone should bring a dish to pass around. Also the idea was brought up to have a trunk sale at the picnic. Time and date is July 23, 6 pm also send out an email to everyone as a reminder.
• Hope AA8SN- Fox hunt, there was a discussion about moving the fox hunt from a Tuesday night meeting to a Sunday and have a picnic afterwards. Everyone agreed to move it to August 18th at 4 Pm.
• Joe W8TVT- Brought in some old club hats, patches and a jacket for sale. 2$ for a patch 5$ for a hat and 25$ for a windbreaker.
• Ernie K8RCT- Made a motion to reimburse TBARG for 50$ for fuel used at field day. Chuck W8SGR second the motion. Ward N8WK will send out a check to Mike KD8REH for the fuel.
• Ernie K8RCT- Some time in August the will be a FEMA Drill at Cherry Capital Airport. He had no time or date for this event Mike KD8REH is going to attend the next LEPC meeting to get more information on the event and create a plan for the drill. An email will be sent out reminding everyone about the event and the time and place to meet.
• Ernie K8RCT- Also there was talk about an Aux Comm class coming to Michigan and maybe to Traverse City. There was also a discussion about training and the recommended courses.
• Ward N8WK- Club call paperwork is sent in.

Respectfully submitted
Mike Vandermey KD8REH




1) Donations for Jerry Gorrell are coming in continually. Discussion on what we could dedicate in his memory. Hope suggests discussion continue on the email list.

1) KJ7KFJ reports that the tower quote is still good.

2) Tents are ordered for field day.

3) June 4 at Don’s Farm – This might need to be moved due to Field Day upcoming.

4) VEs for this Saturday are needed. May 11, 1pm, Salvation Army.

5) Meeting Programs need clarification. Ernie suggests a program on SATERN. Discussion Followed.

6) The meeting with representatives from the Salvation Army went well. SATERN Training will be offered for all members, and there were several inquiries from people outside of the area to join the SATERN training sessions. The administration at the local Salvation Army is in need of space in the facility, but a threat was not perceived on the area being used by the CARC. The signage may need to be altered to reflect the SATERN service we are trained for, and we will be better poised for deployment with the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army is interested in maintaining an operable station in the building. Training for EDS and FreeFromHarm is necessary for deployment with the SA. Motion on floor from Ernie to closen the relationship between the CARC and the Salvation Army. Seconded by (?). Discussion followed. Motion passes after vote.

7) Where are we with the fundraising plan, asked by KJ4KFJ. Discussion Followed. Joe W8TVT suggested setting a date for a milestone to be reached.

8) Boy Scout Clean-Up will be June 11 at 5pm

Respectfully Submitted, Mike Vandermey KD8REH


CARC BOARD MEETTING: 04-09-2013 (meeting reschdeuled from 4/2 due to conflicts)




1) Ward received donations in the memory of Jerry Gorrell W8WFN that have yet to be deposited.

2) Camp Greilick Operating Building is in need of cleaning, we were waiting for warmer weather. June 8, 10am was chosen after discussion of schedule conflicts.

3) VE session – May 11 at 1pm in the Salvation Army room

4) MI QSO Party – May 20, noon-midnight

5) WPBN Contact attempt – Hope was attempting to contact WPBN to check on the status of our lease at the TV 7&4 tower. She does not know the lease particulars. Chuck suggested there was a $1 renewal gesture that was due at the end of March. Joe N8OUZ forwarded the contact information for Jim Marco (station manager at WPBN) to Hope.

6) T-shirts – Hope described the T-shirts and design and suggested the cost would be $15 per shirt. to email CARC Logo design.

7) Field Day – GJ’s (tent people) want to know if we’re committing to the FD site. Reservation fee is $80 and Ward needs to give them confirmation. General discussion of Field Day including Band Captains, purchasing Filters, Coax, other supplies. June 4 is the date at the Farm to look at inventory.

8) Harry announced that the Salvation Army is revoking the offer for the CARC to use its facility for General Meetings, as an operating location, as a club room, as a project area, and as a location to store the TBARG radio vehicle. A discussion was held as to the options available to us, and the suggestion carries to utilize networks and connections to see what is available.

1) Hope didn’t hear back from the Girls On The Run Marathon folks. She is dropping pursuit unless she hears back from the group.

2) Ernie recapped EmComm exercise from 4/6.

3) Ward brings up the Repeater Committee recommendations for a refresh, to formulate a complete proposal, and to then initiate a fundraising effort for the work to be done.

4) Upcoming meeting presentations: APRIL – KD8REH, SKYWARN TRAINING // MAY – K8RCT, NVIS ANTENNAS

Respectfully Submitted, Mike Vandermey KD8REH






1) Girls on the run marathon – Hope was contacted regarding Fundraiser. They are sending up a WX balloon with a transmitter. They want to be able to find it when it lands. Can we help? May 25. 5pm. Saturday. 2 weeks before would like to do a practice run (since the actual event will be live on television). Hope took a list of names of those interested, and this should be announced at the meeting and at other venues, perhaps the email list.

2) Donation for John McClellan KB8GGK. It was discussed that the practice of a financial donation may be viewed as precedent and become routine. To avoid this the CARC acknowledges that a group of members independent of the CARC will be collecting contributions to assist Gerry McClellan for funeral (and other) costs. (Harry suggests that it could be suggested that Gerry contact the Salvation Army for assistance resources).

3) Joe TVT brings to Hope a concern of dwindling check-in numbers for the MESH Net. Discussion on whether to continue the net.

4) Ward moved that a letter be sent to Don and Dave thanking them for many years of service. Motion carries.

5) Ward reviews budget. Joe N8OUZ moves to pay rent to IC for 2014 swap. Ernie seconds, motion carries.

6) Ernie will send an email out to the board regarding the Boy Scout event (unnamed) (March 15-17).

7) Joe N8OUZ made no progress on the SATERN station at the Salvation Army. This is a gentle reminder. Stop slacking Joe!

8) New meeting place: Harry KB8RIV suggests that Tuesday nights at the Salvation Army are available for general meetings. It was mused that we ought to send correspondence to the Commander confirming the schedule, but Harry indicated it was known and that it was not necessary. Joe moves that Hope contact the Commander and confirm the details. Elevator is fixed, and there are extra chairs and ample room. Next VE Session will also be in this room (between cadillac and dayton) since the Library is booked.

9) Budget for 501(c)(3) – it is granted, we are now a charitable organization. Donations and Dues can be deducted on the payers taxes as charitable donations. Ward suggests we look at the repeater committee findings and update the plan for the repeater repairs. We should adopt a budget based on the goals that need to be technically achieved. Ernie suggests that this should be a more precise and non-rushed process, potentially updating the quote since it is a year old and nailing down the bill of materials.

10) Mike at Mad River – MI QSO party plaque

11) Bill Shenk W8PIT turns 88 next week. Embarrassing CJ article to commence via W8TVT. (3/13/2013)

12) Kudos to Chris for the presentation. Something in the CJ. Also get PDF.







• Joe W8TVT talked to immaculate conception about the swap, also the reservations for Friday night at the elks club are taken care of. Times have been changed for Friday night at the elks club from 7 pm to 5:30 pm to accommodate an event that they are hosting.
1. Table sales are at 28, also the ARRL, Radio Shack from Gaylord and the IRA have tables.
2. Lisa weaver is taking care of the food.

Motion by K8RCT to donate 50$ to the IRA link system
Second by N8WK

• There was a discussion about the Michigan QSO party. The club was asked to provide a plaque.

1. N8WK informed the group that we will no long be able to use the governmental center for the monthly club meetings. The county/city board adopted a new policy regarding the use of the building, security and reimbursement for using the room. The club still has three months to find another meeting place. KB8RIV mentioned that the club could meet at the salvation army. AA8SN also mentioned that we might be able to use the library downtown.

Motion by N8WK to pay the Salvation Army 500$ for rent and building usage
Second by KJ4KFJ


• There was a discussion about adopting a key policy.
• There will be a new sign out procedure for equipment.

Motion by N8WK that the club should adopt a key policy that the President and vice president both have a key to the building, a key to the project room and a key to the storage locker in the project room.



Board of Directors meeting December 4, 2012

Board Members present: Dave Hanchett KJ4KFJ, Dave Wilcox K8WPE, Ward Kuhn N8WK, Joe Erlewein N8OUZ, Hope Francisco AA8SN, Mike Cleary W8VPC, Chuck Mellberg, W8SGR.

Visitors: Joe Novak W8TVT, Paul Nepote K8HIB, Brad Mellberg, W8QPO.

Vice President Hope AA8SN opened the meeting at 7:05 PM


Hope AA8SN called for approval of the minutes of the November board meeting. Copies had been sent to all board members via e-mail. Ward, N8WK, moved that we accept the minutes as printed. Joe, N8OUZ, seconded the motion and it was passed without comment.

Ward, N8WK, advised the board that the 501(c)(3) papers had been submitted but that rules had changed in the interim and the fee for application was now $400. He has sent the forms in with the extra $100 to get the process started.

Again, the question was raised as to what the dues were going to be for 2013. It was announced that $20 was the fee that was established by vote at the previous meeting. The issue of two separate bank accounts, one for the general club treasury and the other for the repeater fund came up. There was a general feeling of the membership present that this really was not necessary but this will be dealt with in the next year by the new board.

Joe, N8OUZ, reminded everyone that the CARC annual Christmas party would be held at the Elks Club on Tuesday night December 11, 2012. The fee will be $19.00 per person. There were 19 people who had paid for their tickets so far and he had received another envelope that he had not opened. It was brought up that it would be a good idea to invite the new Salvation Army Captain and his wife to the dinner. Joe Novak left the room to consult with the Captain who was in the building. He returned stating that the captain and his wife sent their regrets but they were not able to attend this year. It was also suggested that Dan Scott and his wife be invited but it was deemed too late to invite them. That will be considered next year. Joe N8OUZ suggested that we invite Jim Marco, director of engineering at the WPBN TV station. These were all good ideas but will have to be implemented in a future year.

Joe, N8OUZ, brought up the idea of establishing an EmComm desk at the Salvation Army headquarters that would securely house the equipment for all of the emergency communications that we may need, somewhat like the station that has been established that Munson Medical Center and EOC. Don, N8QX, had suggested this at a previous meeting but to date no action had been taken. Joe, N8OUZ, volunteered to explore this project and will discuss it with Chris Parrish to see if he can recruit him to assist him since he had done such a fine job at the Munson Medical Center station.

Joe, N8OUZ, made us aware that WPBN TV was still planning on antenna work on their tower and that we could benefit by sharing expenses with them for the climb and service. We would still retain two antennas in high positions on the tower. Also it was requested that we build some sort of a shelf on the wall to hold the repeater and cavities at the station to get them up off from the floor. Chuck, W8SGR, suggested that we build a box on the floor for the cavities and set the repeater on top of it because it was such a heavy item it would be difficult to put on a high shelf. Also it would be difficult to work on when it is up high. Joe stated that he would explore this issue further with the station engineer and provide a formal recommendation of what we really needed to cooperate with them in sharing the space for our repeater.


Hope, AA8SN, opened the floor for suggestions for the program at the January club meeting. Joe, W8TVT, said that he needed a few minutes to talk about the February swap. Joe, N8OUZ, volunteered to provide a short program to discuss the various tones necessary for the different repeaters in the area and how to correctly use them. The remainder of the meeting would consist of the election of officers for the coming year.

Ward, N8WK, stated that the treasurer’s report was unchanged since there was no money in and no money out for this month. He said that we needed to get dues notices out for the coming year now that we had established a fee for membership. He and Joe, W8TVT, would work together to include a dues notice in the flyer to be mailed out announcing the February swap.

Hope, AA8SN, announced a slate of prospective officers for 2013 and they are as follows:

  • President: Hope Francisco, AA8SN
  • Vice President: Ernie Abel, K8RCT
  • Treasurer: Ward Kuhn, N8WK
  • Recording Secretary: Mike Vandermey, KD8REH
  • Cherry Juice Editor: Joe Erlewein, N8OUZ
  • Board Member: Mike Cleary, W8VPN

There was discussion as to whether the corresponding secretary position should be combined with a recording secretary position, but some felt that we still needed the additional position and board member. This will be addressed in January, as possibly there will be somebody willing to run for the position. Ward moved that the slate of prospective officers be approved. Chuck, W8SGR seconded. It was approved without further comment.

Chuck, W8SGR, advised that he and his son Brad, W8QPO, had gone to the Ft. Wayne swap and the attendance was way down compared to previous years. There was some discussion as to whether we could find a commercial vendor to come to our swap. Because of the lack of interest in swaps it sounded like this was not a possibility.

Brad, W8QPO, brought up the need to change the name of the trustee on the club’s FCC license and club callsign. By having an Extra Class licensee as trustee for the club license and callsign it would allow all licensed hams to operate on all allotted frequencies during field day and other special occasions. In the meantime Joe, N8OUZ, asked Ward, N8WK, if he would assume trusteeship because he is an Extra Class license holder. Ward stated that he was willing. Chuck, W8SGR, moved that Ward be appointed trustee of the club call. Mike, W8VPC, seconded the motion and it passed.

Joe, N8OUZ, announced that there was some difficulty with inappropriate material being placed on the club Facebook page. He was working to resolve this issue. He stated that his dad, Dave, N8CN, had started a Facebook page so that club members could keep in touch with each other and so that other Facebook members could find the CARC and see what was going on with activities among the members. He stated that policing it may be a problem. Brad, W8QPO, felt strongly that if anything of the public nature like this was to be done by the club that it should be done on an official basis with a board motion and agreement by the membership. Further discussion ensued. There was no motion and no official ruling, but the consensus was that it was not in the interest of the board to be subjected to questioning the judgment calls made by moderating public content in social groups which include internet elements like Facebook groups. The board continued to suggest that if the group can’t be made to be maintenance-free as far as moderation (safe), and if it has the CARC name on it, and is the responsibility of the moderator to protect the CARC name. The board does not want to be the court of appeals for online content. Thus, it was suggested that either the Facebook group be disbanded or have the CARC name removed from it. Again, no motion was made and no action was done.

There was heated discussion regarding another repeater, apparently owned by Chuck, W8SGR. Chuck made everyone aware that it was nobody’s business but his own what repeaters he had and where they were located.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

David J Wilcox, K8WPE
CARC Secretary


Board of Directors meeting November 6, 2012

Board Members present: Dave Hanchett KJ4KFJ, Dave Wilcox K8WPE, Joe Erlewein N8OUZ, Hope Francisco AA8SN, Ward Kuhn N8WK.

Visitors: Mark Kristof KC8ZAP, Joe Novak W8TVT, John Shanklin KD8RSY, Sarah Hebert KD8TJV, Levi Hebert KD8RMQ.

Vice President Hope AA8SN opened the meeting at 7:05 PM


At the October meeting there was discussion again about raising the dues for the CARC in the coming year. At the September meeting Ward N8WK had moved to raise it to $15 with a recommendation that a $10 donation for the repeater fund be emphasized and it had passed after much discussion. Those at the October meeting revisited this issue and thought it would be better to raise it to $20 per year and that would be a guaranteed eight dollars per member increase whether or not a donation was made. Since Ward was not present at the October meeting it was tabled until this meeting. After more discussion Ward agreed, withdrew his previous motion, and made another motion to increase the annual dues of the CARC to $20 per year. Joe N8OUZ seconded the motion. It passed without further discussion.

Also at a previous board meeting it was moved and passed that separate bank accounts be established for the club dues and the repeater fund. Discussion at this time by club treasurer Ward N8WK and others disagreed with that motion and felt that it was not a necessary action to keep funds separate. Ward stated that separate line items in the current accounting system are legally appropriate and co-mingling of funds in one bank account is also appropriate. There had not been any problem in the past with funds being in one bank account. Ward agreed to get together with club president Don N8QX to discuss it further and work it out.

Hope brought up the November meeting and questioned if any program had been planned. Ernie K8RCT had been prepared to give a DX talk at the September meeting but Harry KB8RIV also had been scheduled to do a program on Automatic Linking Establishment or ALE. She was informed that Ernie still had his DX talk available. Hope agreed to contact Ernie to firm that up.

Ward N8WK announced that the 501(c)(3) application had been filled out and all he needed was a check for $300 to enclose with the application and then it could be mailed. He reviewed the reasons for club existence that he had used in the application andEmComm was emphasized. It was agreed to give him authorization to write a check for $300 for the application. Ward N8WK made the motion and Dave KJ4KF J provided the second. Motion passed.


Ward N8WK stated that the IRS was concerned regarding “charitable giving” and conflict of interest along club board members. He elaborated telling us that a board member cannot vote on an issue if it means that he will benefit financially from that vote. He then moved that we adopt a “conflict of interest” clause as policy for the board. Joe N8OUZ seconded the motion. It passed. This will have to be inserted someplace in our club bylaws.

Ward handed out a copy of the current CARC budget. There is $1207.32 currently available in our checking account.

Joe Novak W8TVT brought up the Christmas party stating that the Elks club wanted to move it to a Thursday because of a conflict but they still could accommodate us if we kept it on the previously scheduled Tuesday, December 11. After some discussion it was agreed to leave it on December 11 and Joe would communicate with the club manager. The cost would be $19 per ticket. A tribute to our past Cherry Juice editor Dave Erlewein (SK) is in preparation. Further information will be in the Cherry Juice and on the website.

Joe W8TVT also brought up the CARC Swap-N-Shop which will be February 9, 2013 at the Immaculate Conception School Gym. He is working on a flyer to be mailed after the first of the year.

Hope AA8SN announced there would be a ham radio test session this Saturday at the Traverse City Public Library at 1 PM.

She adjourned the meeting at 7:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

David J Wilcox, K8WPE
CARC Secretary


Board of Directors meeting October 2, 2012

Board Members present: Don Strzynski N8QX, Dave Hanchett KJ4KFJ, Dave Wilcox K8WPE, Mike Cleary W8VPC, Chuck Melberg W8SGR, Joe Erlewein N8OUZ.

Visitors Present: Joe Novak W8TVT, Brad Melberg W8QPO, Harry Liebziet KB8RIV, Paul Nepote K8HIB.

Club President Don, N8QX, opened the meeting at 7:05 PM bringing up the subject of the dues increase for 2013. He felt that the previously suggested $15 dues plus a suggested $10 donation towards the repeater fund was shortsighted. He suggested that the dues be raised to $20 with a suggestion that an extra donation be made for the repeater fund since that would give us an automatic $20 from each member even if no repeater donation was given. The original suggestion of $15 dues was only a three dollar raise.He reminded us that in the past the money raised from the swap was our main moneymaker and it may not be as good in the future since swaps were becoming smaller and were highly dependent upon the weather. He recommended that the board seriously reconsider the dues increase he had suggested above. He also recommended that the donations for the repeater fund should be kept in a separate bank account, not co-mingled with the dues in the general fund. There was further discussion regarding changing the dues but Ward, N8WK, was not present to rescind his previous motion made at the September board meeting. The issue was then left with Ward’s previous motion still in effect. This will have to be dealt with at a future meeting.

Don, N8QX, again discussed the need for a separate bank account for the repeater maintenance and he was explicit in his thinking that it be indeed a separate bank account, not just a separate line item in the current bank account. He felt we should indeed keep the dues money and the repeater fund money completely separate. Dave, K8WPE, moved that the money from club dues and the money received for repeater maintenance be kept in completely separate bank accounts. Joe, N8OUZ, seconded the motion and it passed. Don, N8QX, will notify Ward of the motion.

Don, N8QX, then asked for suggestions for meeting topics for the months of October and November. Harry KB8RIV volunteered to present a talk on ALE, automatic link establishment, and he went on to explain how useful it is in not only the military but also ham radio. Dave, K8WPE, said that he would contact Chris, KD8MTT, about doing his talk previously offered talk on solar panels and household power from the sun for the November meeting. Chris had wanted to wait until February when he had more data but he possibly could give a background talk in November. Dave also thought that he (Dave) could come up with a QRP talk between himself and Jeff, K9JP.

Joe, W8TVT, raised the question as to where the club is as far as the application for the 501(c)(3) status? He also asked whether or not were current or present donations tax-deductible? Don, N8QX, advised that Ward has informed him that we can deduct current donations while we are working on the 501(c)(3). He also was interested in whether or not there had been a Cherry Juice article notifying the membership of our future 501(c)(3) status. Don also questioned what was the status of a previously discussed sizable donation from an anonymous donor? Dave, KF4KFJ, responded stating that the anonymous donor is interested in a “matching” donation toward the installation of the new antenna, hard-line and tower climb for the 146.86 repeater. Currently there is no active fundraising being organized for this project.

Harry, KB8RIV, informed the board that Camp Greilick, the local Boy Scout camp, is no longer a “Boy Scout” camp but is now a “Webelos” camp. He didn’t know the status of the ham radio equipment that the club had donated to the camp. Chuck, W8SGR, stated that the club had donated the equipment to Camp Greilick and therefore it is no longer the club’s responsibility. Harry, KB8RIV, went on stating that for us to do something we need to have hams with an interest in scouting. Scouting is changing and territories and councils are merging. Harry will look into it further and will have the Senior Scout Executive, Mark Ewing, e-mail something to Don about it. CARC built the building and equipped it but we don’t have enough hams interested in scouting to open and monitor the station.

Don, N8QX, announced that the Christmas party will be held on Tuesday, December 11, 2012 at the Elks Club. Ticket costs should be about the same as they have been in the past

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 p.m. it was seconded and passed without discussion.

Respectfully submitted,

David J Wilcox, K8WPE
CARC Secretary


Board of Directors meeting September 4, 2012

Board Members present: Dave Hanchett KJ4KFJ, Dave Wilcox K8WPE, Ward Kuhn N8WK, Hope Francisco AA8SN, Mike Cleary W8VPC, Chuck Melberg W8SGR, Joe Erlewein N8OUZ


Visitors Present: Joe Novak W8TVT, Jon Schumacher N8UL, Jim Palmer K8OJP, Brad Melberg W8QPO, Ernie Abel K8RTC, Bob Korb WA8ABL, Harry Liebziet KB8RIV, Paul Nepote K8HIB, Chris Parrish KD8MTT, and Matthew Schoech.

In the absence of the president Joe Novak, W8TVT, opened the meeting at 7:08 PM and turned it over to Hope, AA8SN, the vice president to preside over any such business that came to hand.


The minutes of the August meeting had been emailed to all board members. Ward, N8WK, moved that the minutes be accepted as printed. Mike, W8VPC, seconded the motion and it was passed by a voice vote.

Ward, N8WK, handed out copies of the financial report. He stated that there was $1326.00 in the bank and that the 2013 dues were soon coming due. A copy of the bank check register was made available to those who wish to review it.

A general query was placed for topic ideas for the September meeting. It was suggested that A) Mike, KD8REH, has a Skywarn program that he could present, B) Ernie, K8RCT, volunteered to do a meeting on DXing but not for this current month. C) Ernie stated that CQ magazine has a three CD program available for $58.00 covering many current topics. He will look into that more specifically and advise us. Ward moved that since time was short that we ask Mike to do his Skywarn program. Hope asked that since time was short that we ask Miker to do his Skywarn program. There was a raise of hands signifying the affirmative. Chris, KD8MTT, volunteered to contact Mike regarding the presentation. D) Chris also volunteered to do a program in the future on solar energy but preferred to wait until the January or February 2013 meeting.

The topic of whether or not the dues should be raised for the next year was brought up and Hope, AA8SN, opened the floor up for discussion. Chris felt that $12.00 was not enough and that it should be raised to $25.00, with $12.00 going to the club and $13.00 going to the repeater fund. There was some discussion that we didn’t want the monetary amount to preclude anyone from membership but then again $25.00 was not considered excessive by some present. Ward talked about and then moved to raise the basic dues to $15.00 and request an additional voluntary donation of $10.00 toward the repeater fund. Chuck seconded the motion and it passed without dissent. This motion will be brought up at the November Club meeting to be voted upon by the membership and will take effect January 1, 2013 if approved.


Ernie, K8RCT, stood up and made an announcement to the effect that the East Bay Township 147.1 Mhz repeater was in jeopardy of losing its site on the water tower and now is declared to be under the auspices of TBARG. He listed the following repeaters as being privately owned and are designated as “Emergency Services” repeaters and that CARC should do nothing to interfere with them under any circumstances. Here is the list of ownership of non-CARC repeaters.and are designated as RACES repeaters and no one should do anything to interfere with them under any circumstances. Here is the list of ownership of non-CARC repeaters:

The 147.100 MHz repeater is privately owned (W8SGR) on Public space and is designated as “Emergency Services”.

the 145.09 “W8TCM” digipeater, 224.720 MHz repeater, and the 927.5125 MHz repeaters on the Harris Road site are privately owned (W8SGR) and designated for RACES.

The 147.38 repeater in mancelona is an “emergency Services” repeater owned by Pete K8WQK.

The 145.39 MHz repeater belongs to the Leelanau County Repeater Association.

Dave, KJ4KFJ, questioned who was responsible for each repeater and who bore the liability should any adverse situation arise? He walked us through the scenario of how he had gone about attempting to determine this. Various parties explained their sides of the issue. Paul, K8HIB, gave a short history of the 146.86 Mhz repeater and advised us that the 147.1 Mhz repeater was set up with the idea that it would be a backup in case we lost the privileges for the one 146.86 Mhz machine on the TV channel 7 & 4 tower due to the vagaries of the business and politics. Ernie suggested that maybe the repeater committee should be an advisory group only and not an action committee and act only under recommendation of the CARC board. Ward read the bylaws and informed us that the committee was a board authorized committee and its purpose was for advising and performing things needed to keep the repeaters operational. He further stated that the CARC repeaters are the 146.86 MHz and the 442.500 MHz and those are the only ones the repeater committee is responsible for. Mike moved that all equipment with the exception of the station at the Salvation Army,Equipment at the Parker Farm for Field Day, and our two repeaters at WPBN be removed from the inventory list and transferred to TBARG. Joe, N8OUZ, said that since the “CARC Digipeater” on Harris Road has had equipment replacements several times over the years, mostly unfunded by CARC and funded by private parties (W8SGR) that it is technically not owned by CARC and should be removed from the CARC equipment list. Joe suggested that Mike’s motion may be too broad, and perhaps we should modify the motion to reference ownership of the digipeater, specifically as Non-CARC to avoid a larger mistake. Chris, KD8MTT, mentioned that the club call is on that digipeater.

Jon, N8UL, gave us some history that during the time he was CARC club president he had specifically asked for a list of club property. He stated that Don, our current president has also asked for the same list. He went on explaining that this issue is where all of this current problem came from, trying to determine which equipment belonged to the club and which equipment belonged to someone else since there was a hodgepodge and intermingling in every repeater and station. In the past CARC had supported more than just the two CARC repeaters with time, labor and money, in fact had supported all the local repeaters when the need arose. Joe, N8OUZ, brought up that he has been working on equipment lists trying to get an accurate inventory. Finally, Ward, N8WK tried to amend the motion but it got tangled and Mike, W8VPC withdrew his motion.

Mike, W8VPC, did move that the CARC technical committee limit its efforts and interest to the two CARC repeaters and the club station located in the Salvation Army. Ward, N8WK, seconded the motion. Hope called for a vote and it passed.

Joe, W8TVT, recommended that Ernie, K8RCT, notify all personnel involved that all the “other” repeaters in the area are TBARGrepeaters. He also suggested that someone from RACES meet with the tech committee at their monthly meeting. He was reminded that some of the tech committee members are also RACES members.

Jim, K8OJP, suggested that all club members be better informed regarding club activities and each member held accountable for their actions. Small clubs need to learn what their goals are and support them, and not get distracted by activities that are detrimental to the whole.

Hope, AA8SN, raised the question as to whether or not we really need a technical committee? In the past the board had functioned and delegated whatever technical duties to those who were qualified in the time of need.

Jim, K8OJP, suggested that we write a letter to the head of Emergency Services in Grand Traverse County explaining what our intentions were in the issue discussed above and and remind them that the CARC board is still supportive of emergency communication in the Grand Traverse County. Ward volunteered to work with Jim to compose such a letter.

At this time Paul, K8HIB, introduced Matthew Schoech to the group stating that he had some good things to say. Mr. shack stood up and thanked Ernie, K8RCT, for taking the time to come to the Traverse Bay 9/12 group and talk to them about amateur radio and how it benefits emergency services in the County. He stated that the talk really opened their eyes to what amateur radio really can do in support of his groups service to the County.

Ernie, K8RCT, observed that the CARC seems to be focusing on repeaters lately and allowing community outreach to be missed and opportunities for service to be passed gy the wayside. Discussion followed including citing a low active membership census and lack of volunteers.

Jim Palmer voiced a concern that our discussions, actions, and decisions in the committee are being lost. Joe, N9OUX, responded by saying we have extensive Agendas, Minutes, and pictures and site analysis from the committee, and nobody had expressed an interest in seeing them. It was suggested to put the committee minutes on the website in the interest of openness.

There was more board discussion about a letter from CARC to the appropriate entities in association with TBARG and Emergency Communications explaining the CARC’s alignment and support of Emergency Communication and also expressing regret for the recent misinterpretation of the actions of a repeater committee member. Ward, N8WK, and Dave, KJ4KFJ, will work on a letter to be approved by Don, N8QZ, and Hope, AA8SN, and then send it on after the proper review.

Ernie, K8RCT, then thanked the board for its hard work in dealing with this difficult situation. He announced that a Simulated Emergency Test would be occurring on October 6, 2012 invo0lving terrorist activities taking down all of our know support services.TBARG will do a mock SET later this month.

Hope, AA8SN, then move the meeting be adjourned. It was seconded and passed. The meeting was adjourned at 9 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

David J Wilcox, K8WPE
CARC Secretary


Board of Directors meeting August 7, 2012

Board Members present: Hope AA8SN, Chuck W8SGR, Ward N8WK, Don N8QX, Mike W8VPC, Dave K8WPE, Dave KJ4KFJ.



Members present: Joe W8TVT, Chris KD8MTT, Paul K8HIB, John KD8RSY, Harry KB8RIV, Joe N8OUZ.

Prez Don, N8QX, opened the meeting at 7:00 PM


Don, N8QX, announced that we needed to appoint a new trustee to replace Silent Key Dave Erlewein, N8CN, the former Cherry Juice editor. His son Joe, N8OUZ, has already taken over production of the Cherry Juice. We also need a board member to assume trusteeship of the repeater, another of Dave Erlewein’s jobs. In discussion it was brought forward that who ever was trustee needed to be an extra class licensee so that we could use the club call for contests and not be limited in frequency usage. Joe has a General class license and in the near future will take the exam for extra class. Ward recommended that we table the appointment to the board as far as trusteeship of the repeater until the January 2013 meeting. This was generally agreed upon. Ward also moved that we appoint Joe editor of the Cherry Juice. Hope seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.

Ward, N8WK, handed out a financial statement and stated that our current balance was $1557.36. The question had come up previously that members would like to have the financial report printed out in greater detail. Ward advised us that he would do that on the next monthly statement.

Next Dave, KF4KFJ, advised Don, N8QX, that he had a list of items that he would like to present to the board for action. There have been many items that we had been discussing in the past but had not made a decision on and he felt these issues should be discussed, voted upon, and implemented. Dave was given the floor and presented a list of items. They are as follows:

1) He felt that we should accept the recommendation from the joint committee of TBARG/CARC regarding the schedule of Tuesday nights of each month. It was quickly reviewed:


  • First Tuesday CARC Board meeting and Project Night
  • Second Tuesday Repeater Committee meeting and Project Night
  • Third Tuesday TBARG Board meeting and Project Night
  • Fourth Tuesday CARC Club Meeting Night


Ward moved that we accept it. Hope, AA8SN seconded. It passed with one dissenting vote by Don, N8QX.

2) He brought up again the item pertaining to the scrap materials at the CARC storage site on the Parker farm. There was additional discussion regarding the question of ownership of any items stored at the farm. There were tower sections that had been collected by Chuck, W8SGR, and other members that have been stored there along with the field day antennas and many other odds and ends. The question was raised that did any of the items currently stored at the farm belong to any club member? Chuck advised the group that as far as he was concerned any towers or other equipment that he may have brought up there now belonged to CARC. This includes The Parker Motor Freight tower. He also told us that the friend of his who had previously been interested in our hard-line was no longer interested. Dave, K8WPE, moved that we instruct Don Parker to take the hard-line that we had previously set outside to the scrap yard the next time he went there. Dave, KJ4KFJ, seconded the motion. The motion passed.

3) In the past there was a recommendation that a Membership Committee be formed but to date no one had taken charge of that issue so Dave questioned what was the status of that recommendation? Chris, KD8MTT stated that Ernie was the de facto chairman since he had made the recommendation. He supported Ernie in his efforts. Chris also volunteered that he had encouraged all new amateurs to join in the weekly nets. He was busy along with other club members helping the new hams to get a VHF radio at little or no cost. No move was made to make this an official committee at this time.

4) Dave, KJ4KFJ, gave the repeater committee report. He advised that the new cavities tested out well with the network analyzer and the repeater is working fine at this time.

5) Dave, KJ4KFJ, brought up the rumor that there was an anonymous donor ready to donate a significant amount of money for the repeater antenna, hard-line, and the tower climb. As far as anyone knew there was no donor at this time.
He also brought up the question as to 501(c)(3) status for the club. Don, N8QX asked Ward, N8WK what was the status? Ward replied he thought Dave Erlewein, N8CN had been working on it until he became a silent key. After discussion, Ward mentioned that he was mistaken and that he would assume work on the 501(c)(3) application.

6) Dave, KJ4KFJ, requested of Ward that a detailed financial report be provided each month rather than the traditional topical print out that we have grown used to over the years. He questioned the cost of field day as some members were concerned that it might not be a good investment. The costs were estimated at $530. Harry , KB8RIV, stated that the Salvation Army cost to provide the canteen Van is approximately $400. Chris, KD8MTT, suggested that we list all donors with name and amount and also publish a list of who paid their dues each year. Ward informed him that if their name is listed in the club directory they have paid their dues. Joe, N8OUZ, suggested that we donate or at least recognize the Salvation Army and the cost of the canteen. It was brought up by others that we donate to the Salvation Army, ring bells at Christmas time recognize the Salvation Army work and costs and that should be sufficient in lieu of a donation of money. Harry, KB8RIV, said that now that we have new officers at the Salvation Army that we need to invite them to our meetings and functions. Ward recommended that we invite the major and his wife to our Christmas party and there was a generally good verbal response to that idea. Don, N8QX, brought up the cost of the dues for the next year and advised us that we needed to raise them. After some discussion it was decided that the issue will be put on the agenda for the September meeting. There was more discussion regarding the cost field day and Ward advised us that it was actually less than it had been in past years, especially with the Salvation Army providing the food. Chuck, W8SGR, reminded us that emergency preparedness is part of our obligation to the FCC in the nation. There seem to be a consensus that field day is worth the expense in good works and stimulating enthusiasm among the membership.



7) Dave, KJ4KFJ, brought up the subject of setting up an Emcomm station in the Salvation Army building. Don, N8QX, remarked that we do have the equipment and that we just need an all band antenna. Harry, KB8RIV, said that the room to the north of the present club space will soon be emptied as the supplies will be stored in the new barn and may be available. Ward reminded Harry that the room will need to be accessible when needed, and not always locked up as our current room is. We do need the extra space.



Harry responded stating that when the room is vacated it will be available. We need 20 meters capability for SATERN and we have a triband beam. We also have a shortened G5RV ready to go in an emergency. Chris, KD8MMT, responded that we currently do not have a two meter rig but was reminded that there is a two meter rig in the shack and a J Pole antenna mounted on the tower. It can be hooked up quickly. Harry then stated that the room next door is available now and security measures will have to be applied to keep the equipment from walking off. Don, N8QX, felt we needed a project to build a cabinet for the whole station similar to the one at Munson Medical Center. He also offered to look for a desk at Odom Reuse and will build a cabinet for it and get it installed.

8) The question arose as to packet capability. What really is needed? What is the best mode? Mike, W8VPN, replied that CARC does have a digi and a mail box. but that does not constitute a “true” packet station. Joe, W8TVT, asked what does TBARG use? We need to work with TBARG and find out what is working and what else is needed, devise a plan and then implement that plan. He will work with TBARG in establishing criteria for our system.

There was no further new or old business so Don, N8QX, adjourned the meeting at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

David J Wilcox, K8WPE
CARC Secretary


Board of Directors meeting July, 2012

Board Members present: Dave Hanchett KJ4KFJ, Dave Wilcox K8WPE, Don Strzynski N8QX, Chuck Melberg W8SGR, not enough for a quorum.

Visitors Present: Joe Novak W8TVT, Harry Liebziet KB8RIV, Ernie Abel K8RCT, and Paul Nepote K8HIB.

Prez Don, N8QX, opened the meeting at 7:00 PM


Status discussion of CARC and TBARG for discovery purposes. There was discussion among the members present and their general conclusion was that:

  1. CARC is a hobby club formed to get those of like-minded interests together to share their ideas and promote fellowship.
  2. TBARG is an emergency service group and has value by virtue of public service. Amateur frequencies are made available with the understanding that one of the major reasons for being granted those frequencies in the first place is our commitment to promoting public safety.
  3. Each group has their own governing bylaws and separate financial records. Each group is also responsible for certain equipment which may from time to time be shared.


Ernie Abel advised that two weeks before there was a Wednesday night meeting consisting of five CARC members and five TBARG members. Their goal was to iron out the scheduling problem that has risen between the two groups. From that meeting it was recommended that the Tuesday night’s of each month be tentatively scheduled as follows:





  • First Tuesday CARC Board meeting and Project Night
  • Second Tuesday Repeater Committee meeting and Project Night
  • Third Tuesday TBARG Board meeting and Project Night
  • Fourth Tuesday CARC Club Meeting Night


The above will be presented to the general club membership after it is voted upon at CARC board meeting. Due to a lack of a quorum it could not be voted on tonight.

Harry Leibzeit reminded us again that both groups need to work together for the good of the whole. Each group has its strengths and they can supplement each other. He also brought up the fact that the main reason for CARC being given the privilege of using the Salvation Army building was because one of the main reasons for the existence of amateur radio is to provide communications during times of emergency and that fits in very well with the goals of the Salvation Army, “Doing The Most Good”. In fact, he stated, that this behooves us to set up an emergency station here in the building as part of the SATERN Network. Currently some club members are active in the SATERN nets but there is no established emergency communication station in the club room or anywhere else in the building. He felt that this was a priority issue and that a station should be established soon to meet our obligation to the Salvation Army.



Joe Novak discussed the above proposed Tuesday night schedule stating that if there were special needs the presidents of each group should plan on meeting separately to iron out any conflict. He emphasized that e-mail sometimes don’t get through so everyone please update their e-mail address on a regular basis.




Don Strzynski stated we must keep CARC and TBARG equipment separate and follow any sign out protocol established by either group. It has been most difficult to establish accurate ownership records of the current equipment and repeaters so when there are maintenance expenses we know who is responsible for the cost. One of our major thrusts is to be on a better business footing for CARC and TBARG.




He also advised us that we should all be involved in encouraging all new members to take part in the August fox hunt.




He reminded us about the July meeting being the annual picnic at Sayler Park in Yuba.




There will be a VE session at the library next Tuesday.




Dave Hanchett encouraged all board members of both groups to fully support the board decisions in any dealings that they have with the membership. He told of times where he was a consultant to groups where some board members were not in agreement and pressed their own opinions and agendas on the outside with destructive results. Our board meetings are places to make decisions for the good of the whole and there is give and take involved in running any organization.




Ernie Abel recapped that each board will meet to review the above recommendations and that TBARG fully supports CARC in all its endeavors. TBARG would work together with CARC to make the picnic and Fox Hunt a success.




There was no new business. No quorum present. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

David J Wilcox, K8WPE
CARC Secretary


Board of Directors meeting June, 2012

Meeting called to order at 1906 local time on Tuesday June 5th by President Don N8QX.

1. Treasurers report. No significant change since May 1st report. Around 1900.00 cash on hand.

2. Field Day. Plans progressing nicely. Kiessels have been contacted and tent is ordered. Ward will arrange for porti-potty. Harry will have the SA food van and is considering frying a turkey. We may also look into pizza. We may need to find shelter for the CW station.

3. June club meeting. Mike W8VPC will obtain a dvd.

4. Club Picnic: Ward has arranged for Saylor Park. Will be July 24th.

5. Repeater/Technology committee. Chairman Dave reports we finally have received a proposal for climb and materials cost. Repeater committee will meet next week to discuss funding and need to obtain other proposals. Will have some recommendations for July Board meeting.

6. New Business: The Salvation Army has a spot in the Parade. Will discuss participation at Club meeting.

7. TBAREG: Ernie reports that the May 22nd drill at Munson was “spectacular”. All the non-hams were stunned by how rapidly TBAREG was able to deploy and transfer messages between the various locations. TBAREG received high praise.

Motion to adjourn by Ward N8WK with second by Hope AA8SN. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 2008 local time.

Respectfully submitted,

David J Wilcox, K8WPE
CARC Secretary


Board of Directors meeting May 1, 2012

Meeting of the OLD CHERRYLAND AMATEUR RADIO CLUB called to order at 1900 local time on Tuesday May 1, 2012 by President Don N8QX.

Board members present: Dave Hanhett KJ4KFJ, Dave Wilcox K8WPE, Don Strzynski N8QX, Dave Erlewein N8CN and Ward Kuhn N8WK. Club members present Joe Novak W8TVT and Chris Parrish KD8MTT.

1. New Business: Treasurer Ward N8WK moved that we authorize execution of the bill of sale and all other documents as may be necessary to transfer all assets of the Old Cherryland Amaterur Radio Club to the new Cherryland Amateur Radio Club. Motion seconded by Dave KJ4KFJ. A unanimous vote for the affirmative was given. The motion passed.

2. Ward moved the meeting be adjourned. Second by Dave N8CN. All in favor.

Meeting adjourned by club president Don N8QX at 1910 local time.

Respectfully submitted,

David J Wilcox, K8WPE
CARC Secretary


Board of Directors meeting May 1, 2012

Called to order at 1911 local time by president Don N8QX


Members present: Dave Hanchett KJ4KFJ, Dave Wilcox K8WPE, Don Strzynski N8QX, Dave Erlewein N8CN and Ward Kuhn N8WK. Club members present: Joe Novak W8TVT and Chris Parris KD8MTT.

1. Club treasurer, Ward, N8WK, announced that the club had a balance of $3,992.71 on hand.

2. Club President, Don, N8QX, stated that at the April general club meeting the members voted to purchase a set of Telewave duplexers for the 146.86 mHz repeater at a cost of $2,483.00. Ward, N8WK, reviewed the finances and stated that the club was solvent enough to make the purchase. Dave, KJ4KFJ, was authorized to make the purchase.

3. Don, N8QX, brought up the subject of Field Day. Ward has reserved the tent and will reserve the portable toilets. Chuck, W8SGR, will be asked to contact Frank Kiessel of Kiessel Farms in Suttons Bay regarding permission to use their property for Field Day.

4. Don, N8QX, advised that the club picnic will be July 24, 2012 at the Saylor Park in Yuba. Ward, N8WK, will contact the Township to confirm the date. It will be in lieu of our regular club meeting on the fourth Tuesday of the month.

5. Discussion of May meeting. Dave, KF4KFJ, suggested a presentation on the amateur radio band plan and repeater etiquette as we have new licensees who are unfamiliar with these rules and customs. It was also suggested by Dave, K8WPE, that each person bring a “Go Box” for show and tell. Since the club has been active in emergency preparedness many members have put together portable stations that they could take to the field and set up emergency communications should the need arise. Don, N8QX, will set up the details and Dave, N8CN, will put it in The Cherry Juice.

6. Dave, N8CN, presented his revision of the club Bylaws. Ward moved that we approve them as presented. Further discussion revealed some changes that needed to be made adding in Article 1 that we are a “Michigan nonprofit Corporation” and in Article 5 Section 9 the limit that the Board of Directors can spend without a vote of the membership be raised to some number greater than the current $500.00. Ward moved that it be raised to $1500.00 and Dave, K8WPE, seconded it. It passed unanimously. Ward’s original motion was withdrawn. Dave, KF4KFJ, moved that the new Bylaws be presented to the general club membership at the next meeting. Dave, K8WPE, seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Dave, N8CN, will send a copy via e-mail to all club members.

7. Club President, Don, brought up the subject of annual club dues and suggested that they be raised to $20.00 per year. There was some discussion of varying amounts even up to $35.00 per year for a while until we build up a cash reserve. Ward commented that many members had included a donation along with their annual $12.00 dues payment and that was is easy for many people to give a $20.00 bill where as if we raised it too high some members may not donate the extra amount and thus we wouldn’t be any further ahead. He proposed reviewing the past two years records of how much each member did contribute in dues and donations to see what the average donation per member was. Joe, W8TVT, commented that $20.00 is a good round figure, easy to do. He reminded us that all donations now are tax-deductible because of the new 501(c)(3) status. We will discuss this again after Ward gets us the accounting of past dues payments and donations.

8. Dave, KJ4KFJ, moved that we adjourn the meeting. Ward seconded it. It was approved and Don called the meeting to a close.

Respectfully submitted, David J Wilcox, K8WPE CARC Secretary

Board of Directors meeting April 3, 2012

Meeting called to order at 19:08 local time

Board Members present were Don N8QX, Ward N8WK, Dave KJ4KFJ, Mike W8VPC, Dave K8WPE and Dave N8CN.

1. Ward N8WK gave treasurers report. We have 4,031.71 cash balance.

2. Technical committee gave a lengthy report on the status of the 86 and 440 repeaters. The 86 machine was checked out by Radio North and is in good shape. It is on the air at about 55 watts. The feedlines, however, are all in bad shape as are the antennas. The cavities have been tweaked but are aging and should be replaced. Likewise, the antennas are due for replacement. As TV 7/4 have changed their plans to clean and paint the tower, we are no longer in a rush for repairs. The committee will start getting some estimates for needed materials.

3. The inventory of club owned materials at the storage shed has been completed. There are some items whose ownership is undetermined.

4. Dave KJ4KFJ moved that the club sell some of the unwanted aluminum and hardline as scrap. Seconded by Dave N8CN. All in favor.

5. Dave N8CN moved that the Technical Committee be allowed to spend up to 450.00 without consulting the Board should they find a good deal on a new controller or other materials needed to refurbish 86. Second by Ward N8WK. All in favor.

6. The club received a thank you letter from the Salvation Army for the club donation.

7. Ernie K8RCT gave a report on TBAREG activities and noted there will be a General Meeting for TBAREG on Wednesday April 4.

Move to adjourn by Ward N8WK. Second by Dave N8CN. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 20:18 local time.


Board of Directors meeting March 6, 2012

Meeting called to order at 19:05 local time

Board Members present were N8WK,Hope AA8SN, Chuck W8SGR, Don N8QX, Dave KJ4KFJ and Mike W8VPC.

1. Ward financial report: a. We have money b. Lisa Weaver-$300 from swap kitchen sales and c. Ward will issue a donation check to Salvation Army.

2. Discussion for accepting the WPBN proposed tower lease for the 86 machine. Motion made and accepted to accept the lease at the rate of $1 per year.

3. March program will be a DVD presentation provided by Ernie K8RCT.

4. Extended discussion concerning dissolving the CARC and reorganizing as a 501 C corporation to aid in future fund raising
programs. Ward will research the legalities.

5. Possibility of a general club meeting on the topic of emergency communications.

6.Motion to adjourn made by Ward, motioned seconded by Hope, motion passed.

Board of Directors meeting February 7, 2012

Meeting called to order at 19:04 local time

Board Members present were Don N8QX, Mike W8VPC, Dave K8WPE, Dave N8CN, Hope AA8SN, Ward N8WK, Chuck W8SGR and Dave KJ4KFJ. Several club members were also in attendance.

1. Discussion regarding sponsorship of MI QSO party plaque again this year. Moved by Ward N8WK and seconded by Hope AA8SN that club sponsor a plaque again this year. All in favor.

2. Discussed donation to Salvation Army for use of building for club station and garage for TBARG. Moved by Hope AA8SN and seconded by Dave K8WPE. All in favor.

3. Discussion of need to revise club Constitution and By-Laws. Ward N8WK suggested that as club in incorporated, most corporations function with just By-Laws and do not utilized Constitution. Moved by Ward N8WK and seconded by Dave KJ4KFJ that Dave N8CN re-write the By-Laws and present suggested format at next meeting. All in favor.

4. Discussion of making a Donation to the IRA at the Club Swap. Motion to donate 50.00 to IRA by Dave KJ4KFJ and seconded by Dave K8WPE. All in favor.

5. Discussion of repeater status, inaccurate listiings of repeater sponsorship on the MARC web page and ARRL Directory and use of Club call on a privately owned repeater. Brad W8QPO volunteered to correct listings and will co-ordinate with Ward N8WK and Dave K8WPE.

6. Discussion of need to have a Technology Committee to investigate and present to Board the updates necessary to both the 146.86 and 442.500 repeaters and projected costs of these updates. Board will then determine best means to obtain the needed funds and authorize the amount to be spent. Technology Committee will be headed by Chuck W8SGR. The other members will be Dave KJ4KFJ, Joe N8OUZ, Jon N8UL and Brad W8QPO.

Motion to adjourn by Ward N8WK at 20:31. Second by Dave N8CN. All in favor.

Board of Directors meeting January 3, 2012

Meeting called to order at 19:03 local time on Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012

Board Members present were Don N8QX, Mike W8VPC, Dave K8WPE, and Dave N8CN. Several club members were also present.

1. Dues are coming in slowly. Ward will send out notices with the Swap flyers.

2. The club trailer cannot be sent to recycling without stripping out the wood, insulation, etc. We will have a work bee at Dave Hanchett’s Saturday January 14th, 2012.

3. Club breakfast will be at the Hard Luck on 1/7/2012.

4. Discuss proceeds from the Club Repeater table. Decided to keep the proceeds with CARC this year as we will be needing a lot of dollars to upgrade the 86 and 442.5 repeaters.

5. Discuss swap plans. We will have a new crew in charge of the food this year.

6. Discuss the UTR contest.

7. Elections this month. Slate is now filled.

8. Discussed program for January.

9. Representative from county CERT team is requesting TBAREG be a sponsor for them. Referred to TBAREG.

Moved to adjourn by Ward N8WK, second by Dave N8CN. All in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 19:52 local time.

December 2011 Board Meeting

Meeting call to order at 19:09 local time on Tuesday, December 6th, 2011.

Board Members present were Don N8QX, Mike W8VPC, Chuck W8SGR, Dave K8WPE, Dave N8CN, K8RUS and Hope AA8SN. Three club members were also in attendance.

1. Representatives of the Salvation Army came to the Board members and said the Bell Ringing effort netted $227.86 and expressed their appreciation.

2. Disposal of the old club trailer was discussed. Since no offers were received, scrapping the trailer was discussed. K8RUS moved that we take the trailer to the scrap yard and the motion was seconded by W8SGR. All in favor and the motion passed.

3. Discussed the TBAREG simplex study.

4. Discussed the state of the club repeaters.

Motion to adjourn by Dave N8CN at 1941. Second by Chuck W8SGR. All in favor.

November 2011 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 19:05 local time on Tuesday, November 1.

Board Members present were Don N8QX, Mike W8VPC, Chuck W8SGR, Ward N8WK, Dave K8WPE and Dave N8CN. Three club members also present.

1. New Flat Bed trailer is purchased. The old club trailer is still available.

2. Discuss Swap plans. Dave will get out publicity.

3. Discuss Christmas party.

4. Ward has secured the Governmental Bldg for next year.

5. November program is set.

6. Discuss Tuesday projects nights: projects suggested include step attenuators, roll-up 2 meter antenna, NVIS antenna and 2 meter arrow antennas.

7. Discussed possible club contest.

8. Discussed long range repeater plans: antennas are aging, repeater controller is 25-30 year old technology and repeater itself is aging. Hard line on tower is a mix of sizes and ancient. New system will likely be in the 5-6 K range.

Motion to adjourn at 20:14 by Ward N8WK. Second by Chuck W8SGR.

October 2011 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 19:08 local time on Tuesday, October 4.

Board Members present were Don N8QX, Mike W8VPC, Hope AA8SN, Dave N8CN, Chuck W8SGR, Russ K8RUS, Ward N8WK and Dave K8WPE. Several club members were also present.

1. Discussed upcoming programs: October–finish the SWR DVD. November–Red Cross Director with presentation on Amateur Radio participation in disaster relief. December is Christmas Party.

2. Financial report from N8WK. We have money.

3. Discussion of repeaters. The only club owned repeaters are the 146.860 and 442.500 repeaters. All of the other area repeaters are privately owned. Any repeater complaints on these other repeaters should be addressed to their owners and not CARC.

4. A motion to purchase a flat bed trailer to store and haul tower, antennas, etc for Field Day and other exercises was made by Chuck W8SGR and seconded by Dave K8WPE. T he purchase price would be up to $750.00 for the trailer and $75.00 for the license. All in favor. Motion passed.

5. Discussed reviving the CARC Club contest in some fashion. Discussion to continue at General Meeting and next Board Meeting.

6. Discussed upcoming projects for Tuesday Project nights. Likely projects include DF antennas, step attenuators for DF, J-poles and wire-type roll up J-poles for emergency use.

Motion to adjourn at 20:06 by Ward N8WK. Seconded by Chuck W8SGR. All in favor.

September 2011 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 19:11 local time on Tuesday, September 8.
Board Members present Don N8QX, Dave K8WPE, Mike W8VPC, Hope AA8SN and Dave N8CN. Several general members were also present.
1. Discussed September program: Mike will have video.
2. Sale of Club Trailer fell through. Will keep looking for buyer.
3. Christmas party: tentative date is 12/13–will depend on availability of Elks Club.
4. Fox Hunt: winning team was Ward Kuhn, Joe Novak and Dave Hanchett. The other 2 teams were Jon and spouse Dianna and Russ and Pete, Ernie and Chuck.
5. Discussion of need to inventory club assets. With formation of TBARG and government funding through Homeland Security grants it is necessary to verify ownership. Moved by Mike W8VPC and second by Dave N8CN that we conduct inventory of club assets. Will send out a call to bring in club equipment to general meeting or project night. Discussion to continue next month.
6. General discussion of equipment, liability issues and ownership of repeaters.
Meeting adjourned at 20:10

August 2011 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 19:10 local time on Tuesday, August 2nd.

Board Members present: Don N8QX, Ann KA6AYJ, Dave K8WPE, Chuck W8SGR, Dave N8CN and Russ K8RUS. Several club members were also present.

1. Discussed Fox Hunt. Hope AA8SN and Phil are the foxes.

2. Discussed need to replace a repeater trustee. W8SGR will take care of this item.

3. Discuss need to move the club trailer. Dave N8CN moved to sell trailer. Russ K8RUS seconded. All in favor.

4. Discuss training sessions for ARES/RACES: will start in September on Tuesday project nights.

5. Discuss web site changes.

Motion to adjourn at 19:42 by Chuck W8SGR.
Second by Ann KA6AYJ.
All in favor.

July 2011 Board Meeting

A quorum was not achieved so no business conducted.
1). Discuss plans for picnic on July 26th.
2). Dave presented request for program by DAR. Generally in favor but will need volunteer (s).
3). Discuss future D-Star repeater–need?
4). Round table discussion of ways to increase the size of treasury.
Discussions ended at 20:14

June 2011 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 19:05 local time on June 7,2011

Board Members present: Don N8QX, Ward N8WK, Russ K8RUS, Dave N8CN, Mike W8VPC, Chuck W8SGR and Ann KA6AYJ.
Several club members were also present.
1). Discuss tires and bearings for Club Trailer.
2). Discuss tents for Field Day.
3). Discuss meals for Field Day.
4). Discuss materials transport for FD: towers, etc. May need to rent trailer.
5). Ken W8QKP will get boom truck to lift towers.
6). Program: Dave will have video on D-Star VHF.
7). Ernie gave TBARG report for 3 exercises this spring.
Move to adjourn by Ward at 20:00. Second by Dave. All in favor.

May 2011 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 1905 local time on May 3,2011.

Board Members present: Don N8QX, Hope AA8SN, Ward N8WK, Chuck W8SGR, Mike W8VPC, Russ K8RUS and Dave N8CN. Several club members were also present.

1). Treasurer N8WK reported all bills paid and balance remains healthy.

2). Discussed programs for upcoming meetings. May will be 1) Ernie will discuss hospital drill, 2) Harry will discuss the Diginet and 3) Dave and Joe will try and bring some videos from Dayton.

3) Ernie K8RCT discussed the April 30th exercise and an update of the May 18th exercise. Ernie detailed Board on extensive brake work that was performed on the Barge. Cast rotors needed replacing along with pads and other parts. Expense totaled 800.00 and change so we will be passing the hat.

4) Hope reports the VE Session has been moved to May 14th at 1 pm at the Salvation Army so as not to conflict with Cadillac Swap.

Ward moved and Chuck seconded move to adjourn. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 19:50.

April 2011 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 1906 local time on April 5, 2011.

Board Members present: Don N8QX, Hope AA8SN, Ward N8WK, Chuck W8SGR, Mike W8VPC, Dave K8WPE and Dave N8CN. Several additional club members were also present.

1). Treasurer N8WK reported all bills paid and balance remains healthy. See financial statement.

2). Dave N8CN brought in new club laptop. Basic configuration is Intel i3 CPU, 4 gig ram, 320 gigHD and Windows Home Premium.

3) Discussed Club radios. Will need to purchase additional HF rig soon.

4) April meeting is Chris KD8MKX: Packet for Dummies

5) Discussed Field Planning

6) Next Saturday Breakfast–May 7th at Hardwood Cafe

March 2011 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 1905 local time on March 1, 2011.

Board Member present: Don N8QX, Hope AA8SN, Ward N8WK, Chuck W8SGR, Russ K8RUS, Mike W8VPC, Dave K8WPE and Dave N8CN. General Club members: Joe W8TVT, Harry KB8RIV, Chris KD8MKX and Dave KJ4KJF.

1. Ward N8WK reported club finances sound and swap very successful. Club table produced nice donation to TBARG.

2. Chuck reported the new 440 repeater is on the air at 100 watts. Ouput had dropped to around 12 watts with old repeater.

3. Joe W8TVT discussed swap success.

4. Discussed sale of broken Kenwood radio.

5. March Program: AA8SN volunteered to present her plans for Michigan QSO Party. The QSO Party runs from noon to midnight on 04/16/2011.

6. Ward moved, seconded by Chuck that club once again provide a placque for the Michigan QSO party. Cost is $65.00.

7. Dave N8CN presented topics for Ernie K8RCT. Participation at Cherry Festival Bike Race: CARC should be able to staff the event. Spud guns: Chris will meet with Ernie and develop plans for project night. Storage insurance for Barge is only #15.00/month.

Motion to adjourn by Ward N8WK at 1959. Second by Chuck W8SGR. All in favor.

February 2011 Board Meeting

Meeting call to order at 1913 local time on February 1, 2011.

Board members present: Don N8QX, Hope AA8SN, Ward N8WK, Joe W8TVT, Chuck W8SGR, Russ K8RUS and Mike W8VPC. Others in attendance included K8RCT, KD8MTT, W8BNL, W8QPO and KB8RIV.

1. Ward N8WK reported that club finances are good but did not have actual figures with him.

2. Joe W8TVT reported 21 table reservations for the Swap. There was a scheduling problem with IC school and we cannot get into the gym until 9:00 pm on Friday evening. Apparently IC switched over to a new program and they had no record of us using the gym at all!. Thanks to Joe for checking ahead!

3. Hope AA8SN reported that she has the VE’s lined up for testing and K8RUS will make up some flyers highlighting the CARC and also TBAREG and ARES/RACES.

4. K8RCT reported the Barge will be on the premises and available to tour.

5. TBAREG: Ernie K8RCT reported Dan Scott has forwarded a list of members qualifying for RACES cards to the county HR office. Members can stop in and get cards re-issued on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 until noon. Operators are still needed for the upcoming White Pine Stampede on February 5th.

6. Hope AA8SN reports we are out of the International Lighthouse QSL cards. Board voted unanimously to spend up to $150.00 to purchase new cards.

7. Harry KB8RIV reported that the Salvation Army has installed a lock hasp on the project room door. When we put a combination lock on the door we must give the combination to Mary in the office. Harry also reported a number of CERT teams have formed in the area and that this might be a great way for club members to help out and recruit some new hams.

8. Discussed the February General Meeting. Russ K8RUS will present a demonstration of Programmable Micro Controllers and K8RCT will do a demonstration on radio cloning and programming.

Meeting adjourned at 20:07 local time.

January 2011 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 1910 local time on January 4, 2011.

Board Membeers present Don N8QX, Dave N8CN, Chuck W8SGR, Hope AA8SN, Gloria N8KXJ, Dave K8WPE and several general club members.

1. Discussed purchase of laptop computer for club station and club event use. Moved by Gloria N8KXJ and seconded by Dave K8WPE that club spend up to $499.00 for a laptop computer. Motion passed. Dave N8CN will look for appropriate computer.

2. Discussed donating the proceeds of the CARC club table at the Swap to TBAREG. All in favor.

3. Pete discussed the state of the club’s 440 and 2 meter repeaters: 442.500 and 146.860. The 86 machine is over 25 yrs old and should be replaced ASAP. At the same time we should replace the feedline and the antennas. Ernie K8RCT will see if TBAREG can obtain the appropriate equipment through grant monies. Estimated cost to be in excess of $5000.00 The machine will then be maintained and administerd as a joint TBAREG/CARC project.

The 440 repeater is also having some issues and Pete is recommending the club purchase a commercial, continuous duty 100 W repeater from Chuck W8SGR. Motion to purchase repeatef from Chuck for 499.00 by Dave N8CN and seconded by Hope AA8SN. Motion carried.

4. Elections to be held at January meeting. Need to fill the position of Recording Secretary as Gloria is planning to step down this year. There may also be an opening for a Director.

5. Discuss January program.

6. Discussed Swap. Will be testing at 10:00 am. Gerri N8RST will supervise the kitchen crew. The TBAREG emergency van will be present and members will handle the Talk-in.

Motion to adjourn by Chuck W8SGR at 2013, seconded by Dave N8CN. All in favor.

December 2010 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 1907 local time on December 7th, 2010

Board Members present: Don N8QX, Dave N8CN, Mike W8VPC, Chuck W8SGR, Ward N8WK and several club members.

1. Treasurers report by Ward N8WK. Club finances are sound.

2. Ward N8WK moved and second by Chuck W8SGR to donate $300.00 to Salvation Army. All in favor and motion carried.

3. Discussed vendor solicitation for February Swap.

4. Discussed need for January program.

5. Discussed new computers for shack. Dave N8CN will investigate.

6. Discussed equipment purchases including new trailer.

Motion to adjourn by Ward N8WK, second by Chuck W8SGR. All in favor.

November 2010 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 1909 local time on November 2, 2010.

Board Members present: Mike W8PVC, Don N8QX, Dave K8WPE, Chuck W8SGR, Gloria N8KXJ, Dave N8CN and several club members.

1. Discuss autopatch. Very little use by members and current cost is 45.00/month. Motion by Dave K8WPE to cancel autopatch. Second by Dave N8CN. All in favor.

2. Discuss the November meeting. K8RCT will have some Emergency Communications information.

3. Discuss some on-going interference on the 86 machine.

4. Christmas Party: Dave N8CN will take reservations and money. Chuck will find out cost for this year.

5. Discuss MESH Net. Kudos to Ann KA6AYJ, she is doing a great job and Board is grateful for her participation.

6. Ernie gave report on Cub Scout project will put in Cherry Juice.

7. Ernie reports that TBAREG need some AA battery cases for their HT’s as the rechargeables run down when not in use and having the ability to use alkaline batteries is vital. Dave N8CN moved and Chuck W8SGR seconded that club spend up to $150.00 to purchase battery cases for all the TBAREG HT’s. All in favor.

8. Dues notices need to go out soon. Dave will add to Cherry Juice. No longer need autopatch fee but will suggest donations to both Repeater and TBAREG. TBAREG is a 501-C and all donations are tax deductible.

9. Authorize up to $150.00 for HF wire antenna, Anderson Power Pole connectors and crimper. Motion by Chuck W8SGR and second by Dave K8WPE. All in favor.

10. Motion to spend up to $300.00 for insurance for “The Barge” by Dave K8WPE, second by Gloria N8KXJ.

Motion to adjourn by Gloria N8KXJ. Second by Chuck W8SGR.

Meeting adjourned at 2016 local time.


October 2010 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 1916 local time on October 5, 2010.

Board Members present: Mike W8PVC, Don N8QX, Dave N8CN, Dave K8WPE, Chuck W8SGR,Gloria N8KXJ and several club members.

1. Christmas party will be at the Elks Club on Tuesday 12/14 Chuck W8SGR announced.

2. October program is Ed Elkin on County Hunting-Mobile style.

3. Discuss November program.

4. Ernie K8RCT discussed SET program. Went well and he will write article for Cherry Juice.

5. Discuss options for new club trailer.

6. Swap date is Saturday Feb 12th. Dave will start publicity plans and register Swap with ARRL.

7. Discuss elections in January. We may need some voluteers to fill Board positions.

Motion to adjourn by Dave N8CN. Second by Dave K8WPE . All in favor.

Meeting Adjourned at 1959 local time.

September 2010 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 1911 local time on September 7, 2010.

Board Members present: Mike W8PVC, Don N8QX, Dave N8CN, Dave K8WPE, Chuck W8SGR and several club members.

1. The 10 meter beam at the club station has been repaired.

2. Jim Weaver will provide the September program.

3. Ed Elkins will do the October program.

4. TBARG discussion: SET on October 2nd from 8 am to around noon. Will be set-up at Munson and mobiles. Volunteers are needed. Contact: Ernie K8RCT.

5. Discussed purchase/donation of a new trailer. Current trailer has seen better days and likely not worth repairing. Tabled for further discussion.

6. Christmas party. Chuck or Ward will make arrangements.

Meeting adjourned at 1956 local time.

August 2010 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 1907 local time on August 3, 2010.

Board Members present: Mike W8PVC, Don N8QX, Ward N8WK, Ann KA6AYJ, Dave N8CN, Hope AA8SN, Dave K8WPE and Gloria N8KXJ.

1. Hope discussed planned test session for August 14th.

2. Treasurers report. To be posted on Web Site.

3. Discussed Fox Hunt for August 24th.

4. Discussed Light House SE station for 8/21. Meet at 10 am. Operate until around 3 pm. 20 and 40 meters with both SSB and CW.

5. Discussed “spud gun” project for antenna installation. Chris Parrish will help construct and even paint them. Estimated cost around 75.00.

6. Discussed deliberate interferenct on the 86 repeater during a public service net. A proposed letter was submitted and Ward N8WK proposed the letter be reviewed by club president. Seconded by Dave N8CN. All in favor. It is believed the interference was heard by an OO and the mater will be discussed with him.

7. Jim Weaver will be at the September meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 2000 local time.

July 2010 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 1910 local time on July 6, 2010.

Board Members present Don N8QX, Ward N8WK, Dave N8CN, Hope AA8SN, and Dave K8WPE and members Joe W8TVT and Ernie K8RCT.

1. Treasurers Repot: club is sound but all expenses from Field Day have not yet been paid.

2. Next meetings: July is picnic, August is Fox Hunt and September will be Jim Weaver.

3. Discuss picnic.

4. Need to send Thank You letter to Kiessels.

5. General discussion regarding purchase of a second trailer and possibly some Buddi-poles or other easy-up antennas.

6. Ernie gave TBAREG report: Equipment installed at Munson, insurance is paid and the FEMA Grant has been approved.

7. Discuss future project night activities: July 20 will be trip to Farm.

8. Discuss activities at Scout Camp.

Meeting Adjourned at 20:30 local time.

June 2010 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 1907 local time on June 1, 2010.

Board Members present Don N8QX, Mike W8PVC, Ann KA6AYJ, Dave K8WPE and Dave N8CN. Several club members were also present.

1. Field Day: Field day planning was the only topic of the meeting.

2. June Club meeting: Board decided to devote club meeting to moving the necessary Field Day equipment from Don Parker’s farm to the Field Day site. Will meet at the Farm at 6:30 pm and then go to Field Day site to unload. There will be no set-up of equipment until Friday before Field Day.

Moved by Dave N8CN and seconded by Ann KA6AYJ that meeting be adjourned at 2000 local time.

May 2010 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order by President Don N8QX at 1902 local time on May 4, 2010.

Boardmembers present Mike W8PVC, Ward N8WK, Gloria N8KXJ, Hope AA8SN, Ann KA6AYJ, Dave K8WPE and Dave N8CN. Several club members were also present.

1. Discussed need for May program. Several possibilities discussed.

2. Ernie presented a report on TBARG participation at the Boy Scout 100th anniversary. The new Emergency Van was utilized and there were 2 operating VHF stations, 2 HF stations and 1 packet operation. K8RUS was the point man for the operation. About 1500 scouts and family attended.

3. Field Day plans were discussed. Seems to be a decrease in participation. Location, the amount of work involved and the aging of the club members were all possible factors. The board decided to continue the discussion at the General meeting.

4. Current antenna situation at the club station was discussed.

Moved by Ward and seconded by Ann to adjourn at 1937 local time. All in favor.

April 2010 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order by President Don N8QX at 1907 local time on April 6, 2010.

Boardmembers present: Mike W8PVC, Gloria N8KXJ, Dave N8CN, Ward N8WK, Don N8QX, Dave K8WPE, Hope AA8SN, Ann KA6AYJ and several club members.


1. Need to replace the club’s antenna analyzer. Ward moved to spend up to $500.00. Second by Ann. All in favor.

2. Discussed need to get HF antennas up at club station.

3. Discussed need to clean-up and sort out club equipment at Don Parkers farm.

4. Discuss MI QSO party.

5. Discuss April program. Jim Weaver will present.

6. Discuss May program. Still need program.

7. Cadillac swap is May 1st and May 8th is CARC VE Session

8. Discussed SET Drill on 4/10. Jim Palmer gave update.

9. Discussed 100th Anniversary of Boy Scouting. Program at fairgrounds. Russ Riker will head up.

Move to adjourn by Ward at 1954. Second by Ann. All in favor.

March 2010 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order by President Don N8QX at 1903 local time on March 2, 2010.

Board Members present: Mike W8PVC, Gloria N8KXJ, Dave N8CN, Ward N8WK, Don N8QX, Dave K8WPE and several club members.


1. Treasurer’s report from Ward. Club is sound with about 4700.00 in account.

2. Discuss starting time for swap. Club will consider polling vendors. Several requests for later start time.

3. Discuss increasing visibility of swap in the computer community and sending flyers to computer vendors.

4. Discussion of increasing control of sales prior to official opening.

5. Discussion of MI QSO party in April. Moved by Ward N8WK and seconded by Dave N8CN that club sponsor placque. All in favor. Club will once again sponsor a placque. Will try to increase member participation.

6.Discuss upcoming programs. Jeff Peters will do the March program and Jim Weaver our Great Lakes Director will attend the April meeting.

7.Discussion of Cherry Juice content.

Motion to adjourn by Ward N8WK at 1940. Seconded by Dave N8CN. All in favor.


February 2010 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order by President Don N8QX at 1907 local time on February 2, 2010.

Board members present: Don N8QX, Dave N8CN, Ward N8WK, Hope AA8SN, Mike W8VPC and several club members.


1. Financial Report. Dues are coming in and treasury is sound. Only swap expenses left will be door prizes.

2. Discuss need to fund TBAREG 501C application. Moved by Ward, second by Dave that club spend $300.00 for application fee. All in favor. Ward will file application.

3. Discussed Swap. Will plan to purchase major door prize from ProSoft–likely will be Heil Headset or Microphone.

4. Discussed May 1st Boy Scout Jamboree. We will need volunteers for a demonstration station.

5. Sky Warn training will be available in March. Dave to put notice in Cherry Juice.

6. TBAREG members have been monitoring the Haiti Emergency net. No calls to this area but have monitored for over 40 hours.

7. Discussed need to make power connections on all emergency equipment compatible. Ward moved, seconded by Dave that we purchase Anderson Power Pole connectors and needed crimp tool(s). $100.00 approved. All in favor. May wait until Dayton to make purchase.

8. Discussed February program. Will likely concern HF digital communications.

Move to adjourn by Ward at 1955 local time. Second by Dave. All in favor.

January 2010 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order by president Don N8QX at 1907 local time on January 5, 2010.

Board Members present: Don N8QX, Dave K8WPE, Dave N8CN, Ward N8WK, Gloria N8KXJ and several club members.


1. Club Member Joe Novak gave an update on planning for the February Swap and name tags.

2. Ward N8WK moved and Dave N8CN seconded that we make donation to Salvation Army. All in favor.

3. Discussed need to re-formulate the Technician classes.

4. Discussed January and February programs.

5. Discussed SE station for Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore.

6. Ward N8WK moved to adjourn at 1953 local time and Dave K8WPE seconded. All in favor.

December 2009 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order by President Don at 1910 local time on December 1, 2009.


Board Members present: Don N8QX, Dave K8WPE, Dave N8CN, Hope AA8SN, Ward N8WK and several club members.

1. Discussed Dues and Finances. Ward to send out dues notices.

2. Discussed slate of officers for January election. Will need to fill the Corresponding Secretary position and possibly one Board position.

3. Discussed swap. Dave K8WPE will run labels to send flyers to out-of-town hams.

4. Paid for plaque for MI QSO party. $65.00

5. Hope AA8SN received award for Top Single Operator in Grand Traverse County.

Move to adjourn by Ward N8WK at 1945 local time, second by Dave N8CN. All iln favor.

November 2009 Board Meeting


Meeting called to order by President Don at 1902 local time on November 3rd, 2009.

Board Members present: Don N8QX, Dave N8CN, Chuck W8SGR, Gloria N8KXJ, Dave K8WPE and several club members.
1. Discussed Petoskey Swap.
2. Discussed Technician classes.
3. Discussed November program: N8OUZ will present program on packet radio.
4. Jim Palmer gave update on TBARGE. Currently working up some grant proposals, working on station at Munson and now have a Working D-Star radio.
5. Discussed setting up a Packet station at the club station.
6. Club member Russ has set up a Social web page at Requested club approval to use CARC name. The site will be called “The Unofficial Cherryland ARC” social net. Moved by Dave N8CN and seconded by Chuck W8SGR that club allow inclusion of Cherryland Amateur Radio Club in title. Russ will act as moderator and ensure content reflects good amateur practice and presents positive image of Amateur Radio.
7. Christmas Party cost will be $17.50 per person, unchanged from last year.
Move for adjournment by Chuck W8SGR at 1932. Seconded by Gloria N8KXJ. All in favor.

October 2009 Board Meeting 
A Quorum was not present so business was conducted.

September 2009 Board Meeting


Meeting called to order by President Don at 1905 local time on September 1st, 2009.


Board Members present: Don N8QX, Ward N8WK, Dave N8CN, Ann KA6AYJ, Chuck W8SGR, Jon N8UL, Gloria N8KXJ and Hope AA8SN.

1. Discuss club finances. Fine at present. Discuss concerns about February Swap not generating sufficient income this year due to absence of a major vendor. Discussed several ways to increase income.

2. Motion by Ward, 2nd by Chuck to increase dues for 2010. Motion defeated.

3. Discuss club radio equipment.

4. Discuss September program. Ward will present the program and describe his trip to England and Normandy.

5. Jim Palmer discussed the recent exercise at Munson. Exercise went well and Munson very pleased with participation by hams. Jim indicated that he, Ernie and Dan Scott have been discussing possibility of grant monies. There will be a need to train operators for packet radio with regard to use in emergency services.

6. Training sessions for licensing Salvation Army members will begin the second Tuesday of October.

7. Further discussion of Special Event Station for SB Dunes anniversary. Will likely be a Fall event.

Jon moved to adjourn at 2013. Second by Chuck. All in favor.

August 2009 Board Meeting 
Meeting called to order by President Don at 1906 local time on August 4th, 2009.


Board Members present Don N8QX, Ward N8WK, Dave K8WPE, Ann KA6AYJ, Chuck W8SGR, Jon N8UL, Dave N8CN, Hope AA8SN.

1. Discuss club trailer. Ward moved, second by Chuck that we spend up to $300.00 for new tires and wheel bearing packing. All in favor.
2. Discussed updating the club radios and repairing the Kenwood 450.
3. Discussed dues renewals. Much better results with snail mail application vs e-mail. Ward will do mailing.
4. Discussed club finances and concern for swap income. No dues increase anticipated.
5. Discussed licensing classes for Salvation Army candidates. Harry to provide list.
6. Discussed SE station for next years Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park anniversary.
7. Discussed RACES. Motion to nominate Ernie K8RCT to act as club RACES co-ordinator by Ward N8WK. Second by Chuck W8SGR. All in favor.

Jon moved to adjourn at 1907. Second by Ward. All in favor.

July 2009 Board Meeting 

Meeting called to order by President Don at 1912 local time on July 7, 2009.

Board Members present Don N8QX, Dave K8WPE, Ann KA6AYJ, Chuck W8SGR, Jon N8UL, Ward N8WK and Dave N8CN.

1. Treasurers report indicated finances are sound. Field Day expenses around 300.00 and all bills paid. Saylor Park permit obtained for picnic and rental paid for Feb 2010 Swap.

2. Chuck W8SGR volunteered Hope AA8SN to shop for picnic supplies: this year will be brats and burgers. Chuck to supply grill.

3. Discussion of appropriate response to death of club members. Moved by Ward and seconded by Chuck that club make a $25.00 contribution to ARRL in call sign of SK and similar contributions to favorite charities when unlicensed spouse passes. All in favor.

4. Discussed club trailer. Needs clean-up. Is looking bad. Next Tuesday project night will start clean-up and inventory of equipment in trailer. Consider new tires, lubrication of wheel bearings and repair of damaged side.

5. Discuss inventory of club equipment.

6. Discuss club generators and repair.

7. Discuss obtaining vendors for swap.

8. Ward moved and seconded by Jon that club donate $400.00 to Salvation Army. All in favor.

Jon moved for adjournment at 1944. Seconded by Ward. All in favor.

June 2009 Board Meeting


Meeting called to order by President Don at 1904 Local time on June 2nd, 2009.


Board Members present: Don N8QX, Gloria N8KXJ, Dave K8WPE, Dave N8CN, Ann KA6AYJ, Chuck W8SGR, Jon N8UL and several club members.

1. Treasurers report not presented as Ward N8WK still on vacation. Account still over $4000.00
2. Chuck W8SGR led discussion of noise on the 39 machine. Environment is very noisy and lots of intermod. To correct noise problem we will need to purchase some bandpass cavities. Cost estimated to be around $300.00. Dave N8CN moved to purchase equipment. Seconded by Ann KA6AYJ. All in favor.
3. Field Day Discussion: we are in good shape with equipment but need a power supply for Kenwood Rig. Jon N8UL moved and Ann KA6AYJ seconded to look for supply at the IRA Hamfest. All in favor.
4. Discussion of security for club equipment as a few items have disappeared. Will consider lockable cabinets and sign-out system.
5. Dave N8CN purchased license manuals from both Gordon West and ARRL at Dayton Hamvention. Will be compensated by Ward N8WK.
6. Dave K8WPE discussed some program materials available for digital radio and specifically D-star system. Moved by Jon N8UL and seconded by Chuck W8SGR to purchase for fall programs.
7. Discussion of June General Meeting. Decided to use the meeting time to transport towers, etc to Field Day site for early set-up on Friday and Saturday a.m.
Jon N8UL moved to adjourn at 1943 local time. Second by Chuck W8SGR. All in favor.

May 2009 Board Meeting


Meeting called to order by President Don at 1910 local time on May 5, 2009.


Board Members present: Don N8QX, Ward N8WK, Gloria N8KXJ, Dave K8WPE, Dave N8CN, Ann KA6AYJ, Chuck W8SGR and several club members.
1. Treasurers Report: Finances unchanged from last month. Ward will be ordering tents and Porti-Potti for Field Day.
2. Discussed plans for May meeting.
3. Discussed need for vendors at February Swap. Will contact Jim Weaver and check with vendors at Dayton.
4. Materials for VE testing. Dave will purchase at Dayton.
5. K8OJP discussed the emergency exercise. Amateur Radio received a very favorable response from all of the participants and evaluators.
Motion to adjourn by Ward N8WK at 1941. Second by Chuck W8SGR. All in favor.

April 2009 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order by President Don at 1910 local time on April 7th, 2009.


Board members present: Don N8QX, Ward N8WK, Gloria N8KXJ, Dave K8WPE, Dave N8CN, Ann KA6AYJ and several club members.

1. Discussed MI QSO Party. Will include in Cherry Juice.

2. Emergency exercise May 2nd is starting to come together according to Jim K8OJP. Sponsored by CERT: Citizens Emergency Response Team. Around 20 volunteer hams so far and can use more. Team from Charlevoix/Emmet will bring a trailer. So far participating hams from Grand Traverse, Leelanau, Benzie, Charelvoix and Emmet counties. Will start to assemble around 11 am with exercise from 1-3 pm and wrapped up before 4 pm.

3. Harry will again provide food at Field Day through the Salvation Army.

4. Treasurers report: about $4,000. 00 on hand.

5. Discussed need for vendors at next year’s swap as Elmer’s is going out of business. Will try and recruit some vendors at Cadillac swap and Dayton. May have to help with travel expenses and lodging.

6. Discussed April program. Tom will give program outlining requirements for RACES and Go-Kits for exercise.

7. Discussed May and June programs.

Motion to adjourn by Ward N8WK at 2022 local time. Second by Dave N8CN. All in favor

March 2009 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order by President Don at 1900 local time on March 3rd, 2009.


Board members present: Don N8QX, Ward N8WK, Gloria N8KXJ, Jon N8UL, Dave K8WPE, Dave N8CN, Ann KA6AYJ and several club members.

1. Discussed upcoming Michigan QSO Party. Dave N8CN moved, seconded by Jon N8UL that CARC sponsor a placque. All in favor.

2. Dan Scott represent Grand Traverse Count EOC discussed the May 2nd exercise at Camp Greilick. Dan wants CARC members involved with RACES to participate and would like 10-15 participants. Also advises all CARC members who want to be involved with RACES that they can pick up their cards at his office in the Government Center.

3. Weather Spotter Class. There will be a weather spotter class at the Governmental Center Cafeteria on Thursday, March 26th at 6:30 pm. Will be conducted by National Weather Service.

4. Ward N8WK reported on swap financial success and said Club is healthy with about $4900.00 in Treasury.

5. Discussion of Independent Repeater System. Moved by Ward N8WK and seconded by Dave N8CN that we donate $50.00 to support the Independent Repeater System.

6. Moved by Jon N8UL and seconded by Dave K8WPE that we reserve the IC gymnasium again for the Swap in February 2010.

7. President Don reported the March program will be presented by the local Civilian Air Patrol.

8. Presentation by Bob Dennis KC8IRJ urging the CARC adopt the local chapter of Community Blood Center to provide radio communications between the Blood Center and the hospitals they serve and their downstate offices. Bob is director of the Hospital Communications division of the Kent County RACES group.

Motion to adjourn by Ward N8WK at 2020 local time. All in favor.

February 2009 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order by president Don at 1900 local time on February 3rd, 2009.


Board members present: Don N8QX, Ward N8WK, Gloria N8KXJ, Jon N8UL, Dave K8WPE and several club members.

1. Ward did not have a Treasurer’s report but said that dues money is coming in.

2. Discussed door prizes for swap. Don and Jon will make the necessary purchases.

3. Ward will do the February program on propagation.

4. New member Jim Haldaman KD8JPY will do the March program on Civil Air Patrol activities.

5. Don reported that Joe W8TVT has everything under control for the swap. He reminded everyone about the dinner Friday night at the Elks club.

6. Moved by Ward N8WK, seconded by Jon N8UL, that we adjourn. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Gloria N8KXJ

January 2009 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 1902 local time on January 13th, 2009 by President Don N8QX.

Board members present: Don N8QX, Dave K8WPE, Ward N8WK, Chuck W8SGR, Gloria N8KXJ, Jon N8UL and several club members.

1. Dan Scott gave a brief discussion of county EOC operations and need for RACES participation. Cards are now available at the County Building. There will be an exercise the first weekend of May.

2. Ward N8WK presented Treasurer’s report. Club finances are better this year compared with January 2008.

3. Discussion of possible Introduction to Ham Radio at NMC.

4. January Program will be elections and presentation on propagation by Ward N8WK.

5. Discussion of sale of extra club radios currently not in use.

6. Discussion of February program. No current subject.

7. Discussion of slate of officers for 2009.

Motion to adjourn by Jon N8UL at 1942 local time, seconded by Chuck W8SGR. All in favor.

December 2008 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 1911 local time on December 2nd, 2008 by President Don N8QX.


Board members present: Don N8QX, Dave N8CN, Dave K8WPE, Ward N8WK, Chuck W8SGR, Gloria N8KXJ, Hope AA8SN, Jon N8UL and several club members.

1. Discussed donation to Salvation Army. Ward moved $250.00 donation, seconded by Chuck. All in favor.

2. Discussed providing VHF rig for Salvation Army Disaster Response Vehicle. Ward moved $300.00, seconded by Dave N8CN. All in favor.

3. Discussed Swap: Publicity and door prizes.

4. Discussed food at Field Day. Salvation Army will provide again.

5. Discussed January elections and January and February programs.

6. Discussed need for someone to take active role as emergency services co-ordinator for RACES.

Motion to adjourn at 1955 local time. All in favor.

November 2008 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 1903 local time on November 4th, 2008 by President Don N8QX.


Board Members present: Don N8QX, Dave N8CN, Dave K8WPE, Ward N8WK, Chuck W8SGR, Gloria N8KXJ, Hope AA8SN, Jon N8UL and several club members.

1. Joe W8TVT informed board regarding SK Al Travis.

2. Ward N8WK presented up-to-date club financial statement. Dues beginning to come in.

3. Joe W8TVT discussed Swap plans. Looking for another vendor. Table and admission fees to remain the same. Dave N8CN will handle flyer and order mail labels. Joe will register with ARRL.

4. Discussed November meeting. Time for auction.

5. Ann Ka6AJ will continue with MESH net.

6. Still have a need for Tuesday night projects. At least 3 members want to make J-pole 2 m antennas.

At 1952, Ward N8WK moved to adjourn, seconded by Chuck W8SGR. All in favor.



October 2008 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 1908 local time on October 7, 2008 by President Don N8QX.


Board Members present: Don N8QX, Dave N8CN, Dave K8WPE, Chuck W8SGR, Gloria N8KXJ and Hope AA8SN.

1. Discussed dues increase. General feeling is that an increase is not needed at this time.

2. Discussed October program. Bob WA8ABL presented idea and will contact Don if program is available. Should have information by October 15th.

3. Discussed February Swap. The first vendor is lined up and requested 5 tables.

4. TBI contest will not be held this year. Seems to be a lack of interest.

5. Dave N8CN mentioned that Dan Scott is back with Grand Traverse County and plans to attend a Board meeting soon to present his plans for county emergency operations.

6. Discussed Ham of the Year Award. None given last year. Nominations can be given to any Board member or any of the last 3 winners: Jon N8UL, co-winners Norm K8CLM and Chuck W8SGR, or Jill KC8PVQ.

7. Discussed slate of officers for next year. Any member can run for any position by contacting the Board and exsisting Board will nominate a slate of officers. There will definitely be a vacancy for Corresponding Secretary and one new Director.

Dave N8CN moved to adjourn at 1951, seconded by Chuck W8SGR. All in favor.


September 2008 Board Meeting

Meeting called to Order at 1904 local time on September 2 by President Don N8QX.


Board Members present: Don N8QX, Dave N8CN, Dave K8WPE, Jon N8UL and Gloria N8KXJ. Club members present included Joe W8TVT, Ann KA6AJ and Harry KB8RIV.

1. Discussed September meeting. Plans not firmed up.

2. Discussed classes for Salvation Army members. Harry KB8RIV will get accurate numbers. Have 3 volunteer instructors.

3. Discussed resignation of GT County EOC.

4. Dave N8CN indicates that Dave Dell W8TVC needs volunteers for the Leelanau Harvest Tour on 9/21/08. Spread the word and Dave will post in the Cherry Juice.

5. Discussed upcoming events: Christmas Party, Swap-n-Shop and Ham of the Year.

6. Discussed Fox Hunt and Lighthouse Special Event station.

Motion to adjourn by Dave K8WPE, seconded by Jon N8UL. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 1950.

August 2008 Board Meeting

No meeting this month. Quorum was not obtained and insufficient new business.

July 2008 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 1918 local time, July 1st by President Don N8QX.


Board Members present: Don N8QX, Ward N8WK, Dave N8CN, Chuck W8SGR, Dave K8WPE, Bill W8PIT and Jon N8UL. Club members present included Joe W8TVT, Ann KA6AYJ, Harry KB8RIV and Jim K8OJP.

1. Ward updated Treasurers report. Field Day bills paid.

2. Field Day discussion/critique. Good QSO numbers but participation down.

3. Discussed plans for picnic. Ward has park reserved and has grill. Don will pickup Grill. Harry has beverages.

4. Discussed plans for licensed classes for Salvation Army members.

5. Discussed letter to Salvation Army: Bill has already written

6. The 86 machine is down for repairs. Chuck has replacement in operation.

7. Discussed August meeting: Fox Hunt. Discussed September meeting: Dave K8WPE will explore idea and report back.

8. Discussed possible Propagation Program for October.

Motion to adjourn at 1953 local time by Ward N8WK, seconded by Chuck W8SGR. All in favor.

June 2008 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 1903 local time, June 3rd by President Don N8QX.


Board Members present: Don N8QX, Ward N8WK, Dave N8CN, Hope AA8SN, Chuck W8SGR, Dave K8WPE, Gloria N8KXJ, Bill W8PIT and Jon N8UL. Club members present include Joe W8TVT, John AB8RV, Ann and Harry KB8RIV.

1. Discussed Field Day plans and involvement with Salvation Army. Harry KB8RIV related the SA will provide lunch and supper Saturday and Breakfast and Lunch on Sunday. Harry indicated the Chicago Territorial Headquarters is aware of the CARC involvement with the Salvation Army.

2. Ward gave Treasurer’s report. Dave will post on website.

3. Discussed the June meeting which will consist of preparations for Field Day. Members to meet at either the Club Station at 6 pm or the Field Day site at 7 pm. Members can monitor the 86 repeater to stay on top of the situation.

4. MESH net: Ann has taken over as Net Control and is doing a FB job! Thanks Ann.

Motion to adjourn at 1934 local time by Ward N8WK. Second by Bill W8PIT. All in favor.

May 2008 Board Meeting


Meeting called to order at 1908 local time, May 6 by President Don N8QX


Board Members present: Don N8QX, Ward N8WK, Dave N8CN, Hope AA8SN, Chuck W8SGR, Dave K8WPE, Gloria N8KXJ, Bil W8PIT and Jon N8UL.

1. Ward N8WK gave treasurer’s report. Dave will put on Cherry Juice page.

2. Discuss May program. Will discuss Field Day plans and Dayton report and pictures.

3. Discuss Field Day: Salvation Army will provide lunch on Sat and Sun, supper on Sat and breakfast on Sunday. Will have snacks and beverages for during the day.

4. Chuck discussed next Tuesday project. Will be remote antenna switch. Will cost around 30.00. Moved by Ward N8WK and seconded by Jon N8UL to authorize $350.00 for parts. All in favor. Chuck has 2 peopled signed up. Will mention on the MESH net and in Cherry Juice and at the May club meeting.

5. Need more volunteers for the MESH net. Paul K8HIB is currently acting as net control. Will need helpers.

6. Will need to make antenna repairs at club station. Dipole is down and element missing on Triband. Discussed chances of getting bucket truck to make repairs.

7. Hope AA8SN needs some VE’s for Saturday’s exam session.

Motion to adjourn at 1946 local. All in favor.

April 2008 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 1910 local time, April 1 by President Don N8QX.


Board Members present: Don N8QX, Hope AA8SN, Gloria N8KXJ, Chuck W8SGR, Dave N8CN, Dave K8WPE. Several club members also present.

1. Scott KC8UPS will be giving up net control for the MESH net. Paul K8HIB will assume some of the duties but we would like some more volunteers. A rotating schedule of net control op’s is the goal.

2. Field Day discussion. Need more volunteers. Will discuss at the regular club meeting and on the MESH net.

3. Harry KB8RIV has been in contact with Salvation Army. Their desire is to set-up a functioning Amateur Radio group for their disaster services in western Michigan. Want to license 15-25 of their members and have asked for club to assist with classes, equipment and antenna design and equiping all their emergency vehicles. In addition, the Salvation Army would like to use our Field Day exercise as practice for their field food services. They will provide meals for Saturday noon and evening and breakfast and lunch on Sunday. Harry authorized to continue discussions and some board members have agreed to act as instructors.

4. Discussion of April program for general meeting.

Motion by Dave N8CN to adjourn. Seconded by Chuck W8SGR. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 1806.

March 2008 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 1907 local time, March 4 by President Don N8QX.


Board Members present: Don N8QX, Hope AA8SN, Gloria N8KXJ, Bill W8PIT, Ward N8WK, Jon N8UL, Chuck W8SGR, Dave N8CN and Dave K8WPE.

1. Treasurers report by N8WK. Will post on CJ web site.

2. Ward N8WK reports he has reserved Immaculate Conception Gym for next years swap. Date is 2/14/09. Cost is $550.00.

3. Discussed donation to Salvation Army. Ward N8WK moved, seconded by Chuck W8SGR to send check for $300.00. All in favor.

4. Discussed Information Packet for new hams. Discussed sending welcome/congratulation letters to new hams. N8WK moved, seconded by AA8SN to order 4 Technician, 1 General and 1 Extra Class study guides.

5. Discussed Michigan QSO party to be held 4/19/2008. Club will sponsor placque and Hope AA8SN will try and generate interest for club entry. Last year, Ward N8WK and Joe W8TVT received “Spell Mackinac” Awards.

6. Kudos to Scott KC8UPS for his work as net control for the MESH net. Nice job Scott!

7. Discussion of April general meeting program. March meeting will be NWS weather spotting.

Motion to adjourn by Ward N8WK, seconded by Chuck W8SGR. All in favor.

February 2008 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 1900 local time, February 5 by President Don N8QX.


Board Members present: Don N8QX, Hope AA8SN, Gloria N8KXJ, Bill W8PIT, Ward N8WK, Jon N8UL, Chuck W8SGR and Dave N8CN. Several club members were also present.

1. Commitment has been made by Ward N8WK to support placque for MI QSO party. Payment has not been sent.

2. Dave N8CN reports he has set up a website for the Cherry Juice. Will be separate from existing web site to make it easy for Dave to keep it current and publish even when he is out of town. Post cards will be sent out this month in lieu of a hard copy.

3. Joe W8TVT reported on the Swap. He has request for 31 tables already. Usually we only have requests for 17 or 18 tables ahead of time. Discussion of door prizes and 50-50 raffle.

4. Discussion of insurance. Decision that more economical to self-insure.

5. Discussion of Field Day. No changes planned at this time but need to increase both participation and visibility. To be continued.

6. Discussion of making club apparel, mugs, etc available through one of the web companies. To be continued.

7. Discussion of Link System. Will renew support with contribution of $50.00.

8. Gloria N8KXJ mentioned the need to renew weather spotter status. Hope AA8SN to contact NWS.

9. Discussion of program for February meeting.

Motion to adjourn by Ward N8WK, second by Chuck W8SGR. All in favor.


January 2008 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 1900 local time, January 8 President Don N8QX


1. Discussed preparations for February Swap led by Joe W8TVT.

2. A donation has been made to the Salvation Army. We will need to make another donation later this year.

3. Discussion of the costs involved in the Cherry Juice and the need to change to an e-mail or web-based format.

4. Discussion of ways to increase club participation and activities and ways to make club more visible to public.

5. Discussion of program for January meeting. Dave N8CN volunteered to present program on his tower project.

6. Discussion of slate of officers for election at General meeting.

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