
Here is the official Cherryland ARC calendar.
If you would like to subscribe to it or link it to your mobile device, here are the links:

Here is a calendar of other area events.
If you would like to share this calendar or link to devices, here are the links:

If you would like to have an event added or corrected,
please do send an email to


Calendar — 3 Comments

    • Hi Art,
      A good email contact is
      The location is the same as previous years: head toward suttons bay and turn left (west) onto Fort Road. There is a farm all the way at the top of the hill, and there is a dirt trail leading through the orchard to the field.
      There will be signs on M-22 and on Fort Road.

      I will update the map soon, I meant to last week but was WAY too busy!

      Thanks, and I hope to see you out there!

      Joe N8CN

    • My previous reply assumed you meant the location of the Field Day site for this year. (your comment is posted to the Calendar page, not a specific page for the events).

      The location of the Club Meetings is at the Salvation Army building on Barlow street.

      This page has more information on Field Day:

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