Field Day

Cherryland ARC Field Day is June 22, 2024

The Cherryland ARC is hosting an open ARRL Field Day location! It’s the usual location – the Kiessel Farm located on Fort Road. This event is open to ANY AND ALL – and is intended to be a public showcase of the art and capabilities of Amateur Radio. So even if you’re a LITTLE curious what Ham Radio is, you’re encouraged and welcome to attend!

The Address is:
10477 E Fort Rd, Suttons Bay, MI 49682.

Fort Road is just about halfway between Suttons Bay and Traverse City.


Here is an embedded Google Map:

There will be a group of folks showing up on Friday afternoon (2pm) June 21st  to begin setup. Official Field Day operations begin on Saturday at 2pm, so we wish to make full use of the 24-hour period allowed for set-up before operations start.  To celebrate a successful setup, the Cherryland ARC will be hosting a special Friday Night Dinner.

Field Day Operations will begin Saturday at 2pm, and continue for 24 hours through Sunday at 2pm, with take-down and clean-up immediately following.

The Cherryland ARC will provide all meals! This includes a Friday dinner (free hot dogs, but the special entree is a buy-in option, as described below), Saturday breakfast, Saturday Lunch, the themed Saturday Dinner, Sunday Breakfast and Sunday Lunch.

If you wish to participate in the Friday Night dinner:
  • no purchase is necessary. the CARC will provide free hot-dogs.
  • the main entree is a $15 buy-in and includes grilled shrimp and grilled vegetables.
  • bring beverages of your choosing. (adult beverages permitted but not provided).
Sign up for all the meals here: (2024 Link)

Some people choose to “camp” overnight at the site on Friday and Saturday night.  New in 2024 is Camping is by permit only and must be arranged with CARC management prior to Field Day.  Contact

There will be a porta-john, a tent, and tables and chairs to accommodate people.

Field Day Links:

Official ARRL Field Day site

ARRL Field Day Facebook Page

Can’t make it to the CARC site? Use the ARRL Field Day locator to find another club’s Field Day site near you!


Field Day — 2 Comments

  1. Interested in knowing where you will be setting up … my son lives up there, and I’d like to try to talk him into stopping by. Hope to meet you on the air from FL as call sign W4OT. 73 de AJ4DT