April 2023 Newsletter Published

Inside this issue: 
President’s Corner
Technician Class Update
The Purple Crystal
ISS Contact you can listen to, Apr 20
·        Upcoming Hamfests and VE sessions
·        New By-Laws, printed as adopted.

Click here to download your copy today.

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March 2023 Newsletter Published

Inside this issue: 
By-Laws revision
The Purple Crystal
Upcoming Hamfests
Ham Radio Classes
·        So much more!

Click here to download your copy today.

Newsletter Archive
Looking for Back issues? Here’s a link to the time-machine.  Newsletter Archive
Click here to see the full newsletter archive.

February Cherry Juice Newsletter is here!

Inside this issue: 
·        Changing of the Guard
·        Swap-n-Shop Review
·        Winter Field Day Reports
·        Important Repeater Update
·        News you can Use
·        Coming Highlights
·        So much more!

 Click here to download your copy today.

Newsletter Archive
Looking for Back issues? Here’s a link to the time-machine.  Newsletter Archive
Click here to see the full newsletter archive.